
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/05 20:02:35

北宋著名文学家苏轼在《又答王气书》中写道:“书富如海,百货皆有之,人之精力,不能兼收尽取,但得其所欲求者尔.故愿学者,每次作一意求之.”马克思也认为,研究学问,必须在某处突破一点.歌德曾这样劝告他的学生:“一个人不能骑两匹马,骑上这匹,就要丢掉那匹,聪明人会把凡是分散精力的要求置之度外,只专心致至地学一门,学一门就要把它学好.”横观中外,纵揽古今,凡大学者 科学家,无不将分散的精力聚集起来,获得某个领域的突破的.我们再拿法布尔来说,他为了观察昆虫的习性,常达到废寝忘食的地步.有一天,他大清早就俯在一块大石头旁边.几个村妇早晨去摘葡萄时看见法布尔,到黄昏收工时,他们仍然看到他伏在那儿,她们实在不明白:“他化一天的工夫,怎么就只看一块石头,简直中了邪!”其实,为了观测昆虫的习性,法布尔不知花了多少个日日夜夜.以这样的精神从事某一项事业,怎么还会有不成功的道理呢?我们这个世界的最新福音则是:认识你的目标,并且全力去完成.相信这句话能够伴随你通向成功

Sushi, a famous man of letter in Northern Song Dynasty, used to write in Answer to Wang Qi Again that :"the content of books is as rich as that of the sea with everything concluded. On the contrary, people's energy is so limited that it can't reach every aspect. Thus people can only choose one of the intertests to learn and a scholar can only be an expert of one field." Likewise, Max also revealed that:" People can't ride two horse at a time. Once he makes a choice, he need to give up the other. A wise man can dispose of distractions and be concentrated on only one field until learn it well." Thoughout history, nearly no great man or scientist gained breakthough in a certain field without concentration. Take Fabre for an example. To observe the habits of insects, he usually ignores everything else. One day ,he crouched down on a big stone early in the morning. Some village women saw him when they started to pick grapes in the morning until they got back in the dusk. They couldn't understand and said: " Fabre must be mad that he spares the whole day watching a stone. " In fact, Fabre spent numerous days and nights to observe habits of insects. Any task can be fulfilled under such persistence. And the latest gospel of the world is to learn your aim and to try to finish it. This sentence is believed to lead you to success.

英语翻译北宋著名文学家苏轼在《又答王气书》中写道:“书富如海,百货皆有之,人之精力,不能兼收尽取,但得其所欲求者尔.故愿学者,每次作一意求之.”马克思也认为,研究学问,必须在某处 修改病句:苏轼是一位北宋著名的文学家. 北宋开国100年中有那些著名的文学家、艺术家 苏轼(1037-1101),北宋文学家、书画家,又是什么家 伤仲永作者是我国北宋著名文学家政治家.思想家.他是 .之一.其他七人分伤仲永作者是我国北宋著名文学家政治家.思想家.他是 .之一.其他七人分别是? 北宋文学家苏轼曾经提出一个著名的观点古今之成大事业者,非惟有超世之才,亦必有坚韧不拔之志请根据中某个名人的经历为这一观点概括出一个事实论据 王安石是北宋著名的( )B.文学家C.改革家D.思想家 《伤仲永》的作者________是北宋著名的文学家__________.填空. 欧阳修是北宋时期著名的( ).A.文学家 B.史学家 C.思想家(多选题) 被称为“三苏”的北宋文学家父子中的父亲是 被称为三苏的北宋文学家父子中的父亲是 被称为三苏的北宋文学家父子中的父亲是谁? 南朝梁时道教思想家陶弘景写的《答谢中书书》和北宋著名的文学家苏轼写的《记承天寺夜游》这两篇文章都描写了自然景物,但又有所不同加以分析? 法国著名文学家 是谁? 英国著名文学家 世界著名文学家 老舍,原名( ),他是我国现代著名在文学家和( ) 北宋文学家欧阳修,他曾编撰过《 》,同时,他又是唐宋八大家之一