
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/01 10:38:22


There is to say that Xue Baochai's love tragedy.To see her because very depressed and died,She is still very sad.But when reading a dream of Red Mansions,I suddenly sad.Xue Baochai such character,also like Li Wan,his life is wasted on this piece of cold garden and face a fundamental doesn't love her man.In fact,what she really wants?We don't have to ask to know,is to become "the wife of Jia Baoyu".But I also want to ask,is there really are like lonely woman?I always thought she was a cold and selfish people.But now,I actually began to sympathize with her.Actually think carefully,her fate perhaps worse than my sister.She needs most is not love,but a free!The Xue Baochai family wealth,from reading books.Accept is comprehensive and formal education.The lady Dowager also is always boasting of her.This is she accepts since childhood the people,but also the ancient woman should have the moral character.Even my happy and sad are not displayed.In fact,she is the most pathetic life,bound by the opinions of others and of feudalism.Never know what they want,not happy and not happy.She has never been a true love,but not the courage to pursue their own love.No one who truly cares for her.And she,think this is the way the world.She do,in fact,not much is her own choice.She is a typical obey parents command and feudal etiquette woman.She is very talented,but accepted the "women's reading is useless" theory,which ironically Xiangling and triploid discussed poetry; she also familiar with drama,is that these are not "good girl" know.She like anybody want Wonderfull Life,but when the mother let her and Jia Baoyu married to Jia and,because her mother told her "has promised",she could only accept.Until finally he ordained,her tragic climax.Even at this time,she still can't show their sadness.Compared with Lin Daiyu,Lin is at least the pursuit of their own happiness,and she even their own happiness never sought.Then there is the wonderful jade,Qingwen.Miaoyu although thought of himself as an "outsider",but when she is hard to get yourself in real "outsiders".In Is it right?Really didn't love him?I personally think that she is loved.As to the relationship between triploid and the jade,I still don't understand what they are.What is their end,Mr.Cao did not finish.But Bao Yu and triploid feeling is very wonderful,I also dare not guessing.

英语翻译还有要说的就是薛宝钗的爱情悲剧了.看到黛玉因为非常抑郁而死了,她依然非常难过.可等到读完红楼梦后,我突然伤感了.薛宝钗这样的人物,也要像李纨一样,将自己的一生都浪费在这 如何看待贾宝玉、林黛玉、薛宝钗三人的爱情悲剧、婚姻悲剧、家族悲剧? 关于爱情悲剧的名言 是什么造成了贾宝玉和林黛玉的爱情悲剧 贾宝玉,林黛玉,薛宝钗的爱情悲剧的理解 一场爱情就是一场悲剧 《边城》中翠翠爱情悲剧的原因? 对《边城》中翠翠爱情悲剧的理解 不是爱情的悲剧用英语怎么说! 分析红楼梦里的爱情悲剧 简述《家》中梅的爱情悲剧 英语翻译内疚、自责的爱情———处境悲剧与克洛德的悲剧不同的是,美国19世纪浪漫主义作家霍桑的《红字》中则描写了海丝特·白兰与神职人员亚瑟·丁梅斯代尔的爱情悲剧,他们的爱情,可 描写初次相遇古典诗句,一句就行,都有哪些,还有关于爱情悲剧的古典诗, 这首诗叙述了一个爱情悲剧故事.同学之间讨论:这场悲剧是如何产生的孔雀东南灰 英语翻译内容摘要:本文从蘩漪所追求的爱情以及她所处的社会时代背景来分析她的悲剧爱情,通过分析她与周朴园和周萍两代父子的爱情和婚姻,阐述了悲剧爱情产生的必然性.关键词:蘩漪 英语翻译“傻傻的以为这就是爱情.” 就是悲剧的意思吗 还有什么是伟大的悲剧