
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/16 16:23:23


叫他穿上唐装,The four seasons in Beijing,a northern city,are demarcated with a long hot summer,long chilly winter,and shorter spring and autumn.The hottest month is July and the coldest is January.Considering the frequent sandstorms in spring,September and October with their pleasant weather are considered the best visiting times.
To visit Beijing in spring,bring lightweight clothing such as long-sleeved shirts or T-shirts,plus one or two jackets and sweaters.The temperature in summer ranges between 30 and 39 centigrade,calling for summer clothes.
Spring is rainy season in Beijing,with some rain in summer and between summer and autumn.Rainstorms may happen without warning in the afternoon of sunny days.Sometimes even weather forecasters can predict a shower only one or two hours ahead.Heavy rain may block traffic; inconveniencing everyone.Remember to pack a raincoat or umbrella.
Beautiful Beijing presents different features for its clear distinction of four seasons.To have a better understanding about the characteristics of different seasons will bring tourists different fresh feeling by enjoying the special tour of four seasons.
Beijing stages both international and domestic folk activities.The most remarkable ones are the Temple Fairs during Chinese Lunar New Year when people perform traditional national art forms such as the dragon dance,lion dance,acrobatics and martial art.

有个外国朋友四月底来北京,英文介绍一下天气和着装建议比如温度多少,多风,温差的问题还有穿啥衣服比较合适(半大老头) 求一份介绍北京胡同的英文文章下个月要给外国朋友介绍胡同,麻烦找一下英文的 关于故宫的英文介绍,口语化一点的有位外国朋友要来故宫,偶要当个临时导游,哪边位帮个忙~谢啦` 谁有关于广州地方特色景点的英文介绍啊?我的朋友的华裔大伯要来广州,叫我带大家一起去逛一下广州这个大都市.本来人家在外国看够了繁华,如何我还带人家去北京路,天河城这点地方去实 急:我希望有一天能够自信地为外国朋友介绍北京 英文?快、正确?谢谢 北京天文馆有去过的朋友介绍一下吗? 请推荐几本介绍北京景点以及中国文化的英文图书RT有一外国朋友要来中国,说想让我陪他们去北京玩,并希望可以介绍些有关中国文化底蕴方面的知识,可惜本人英语不大好,所以想先参考些关 外国人来中国怎么找工作?我有一个美国朋友,6月底到北京.不会说中文,想在中国找个工作,最好是教英文,此人是大学本科学历,但没有从教经历,请各位朋友帮忙提供线索有没有合适的机会给他, 怎样在课堂上介绍自己的外国朋友,给个英文的版本 来介绍一下北京有好的少儿英语吗? 求英语作文 北京是中国的首都,请以主人的身份向外国朋友,介绍一下北京和北京一个著名的景点……北京是中国的首都,请以主人的身份向外国朋友,介绍一下北京和北京一个著名的景点,根据 北京哪有卖天问望远镜的?要地址我要买个天文望远镜 听说北京多还便宜 希望北京的朋友 知道的话给介绍一下 最好是什么商场 比较有信誉的 本人对北京不熟 希望有个地址 一家外国报纸称,中国人很聪明,跟他们使用筷子有关系.假如你家来了外国朋友,请你写几句解说词,简单介绍一下筷子的特点及其他使用方法. “中国的风景欣赏完了,下面请外国朋友介绍一下他们城市的风景”这句话用英文怎么说 求琥珀的英文介绍我想给朋友琥珀的礼物.但朋友是外国的.想给他介绍一下谁能翻译. 帮忙用英语介绍一下嫦娥奔月的传说和中秋节的由来我有个外国朋友,想给她介绍一下中秋节的由来,可本人水平有限, 向外国朋友介绍学校的绿化情况怎么说英文 Tom有几个外国朋友?翻译英文