
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/11 19:20:35


Imagine you are in an ancient mansion beside the lake.At night,rainstrom is pouring outside and fierce wind roaring over the grey wall.Under the mansion a coffin put in the dark basement.It's Ms.Madelyn.The man seating with you in room is her brother and staring at you madly.
Imagine that... You are in E mansion in Hubei province.Another page,you can see

Imagine, an old mansion you are in the lake. Time is at night, outside the rain, wind around the grey stone roar. A grim house below the cellar with a coffin, lie inside body of miss Madelyn. Together...


Imagine, an old mansion you are in the lake. Time is at night, outside the rain, wind around the grey stone roar. A grim house below the cellar with a coffin, lie inside body of miss Madelyn. Together with you in the room is her brother, is with the crazy eyes looked at you. Imagine ... ... You are in the usher family. Turn to another page, you can see a black cat was mugged hanging on a tree. Turn the page, you can hear the sound of a wonderful masquerade music, see one thousand people singing, dancing. You are now in the prince Prospero 's castle. The castle was ablaze with lights, be full of vitality, all revel; but in the wall, through a terrible load mask of the red death ... ... These stories will bring you into a dark fantasy world, a world of fantasy and horror, madness. Don't a person read them!


英语翻译你正置身于湖畔的一座古旧宅邸之中.时间是夜里,外面暴雨肆虐,狂风绕着灰色的石墙嘶吼.房子下面的一间阴森的地窖里放着一口棺材,里面躺着玛德琳小姐的尸体.同你一起待在房间 考验您的智力,挑战IQ极限.假设你现在置身于一个古堡之中,古堡有两扇门,一扇是生门,一扇是死门,门口各有一只鹦鹉,一只只说真话,一只只说假话,你只能问其中的一只鹦鹉一句话,从而走出生 请你置身于苏州园林之中,发挥想象描写那美丽的景色 这一千古佳句而置身于寒冷的冰雪世界中你更会由衷地赞叹求诗句 英语翻译汤池温泉的开发建设,更为其增添了温泉沐浴、疗养保健的休闲功能.步入这里,水清林绿、空气清新、温泉润体、果香鱼肥,仿佛置身于梦幻田园之中,使人留恋往返. 英语翻译我希望你不要因为置身于高楼大厦中间而太惊讶.___________________________________________________. 如果你置身于这蒸腾的雾气当中,你会有怎样的感受呢? 英语翻译跨进朱红色的木府大门,眼前豁然开朗,一片广阔的地面上,巍然耸立一座金碧辉煌的宫殿,汉白玉基座雕刻精美,那恢弘的气势,使人恍若置身于皇宫之内 英语翻译:当我置身于美丽的大自然时,我忘掉了所有的烦恼. 如果置身于维也纳国家歌剧院,欣赏着世界一流的音乐会,你有什么感受? 如果你也置身于“这蒸腾的雾气”当中,会怎样呢? 语文,将下面的词语组词一句话、1.漫步 我们 之中 献花 街道 仿佛 美丽 在 置身 于____________________________________________________________2.德国 献花 人民 家家户户 爱美 种植 非常_________ 将下面的词语组成一句话1.漫步 我们 之中 鲜花 街道 仿佛 美丽 在 置身 于 2.德国 鲜花 人民 家家户户 爱美 种植 非常 把序号填在括号里.(1)夸张 (2)比喻 (3)拟人 (4)排比1、初升的太阳在山坳上露出半个笑脸,晨风轻抚着青山绿水,我们仿佛置身于一幅美妙的景画之中.( )2、桂林的山真秀啊,像翠绿 “置身于这座宾馆,仿佛回到了大自然的怀抱”是比喻句吗 这段话的原文是什么?+排序( )我一眼就望见一只巨大的铜钟倒挂在空中,这就是金钟倒挂.( )我们先来到第一大厅.( )走过石桥,来到第二大厅,同学们又顿时像置身于仙境之中.( )随着队伍,我们 董卿,你还记得大明湖畔的刘谦吗?为什么是大明湖畔啊? 置身于冰雪世界中,你更会用赞叹的口气说那句诗?四年级学过的诗句