求教deliver 用法,希望有例句

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求教deliver 用法,希望有例句

deliver [di'livə][vt.]
例句:to deliver mails / 投递邮件例句:to deliver a package / 投递包裹放弃;
例句:They delivered the thief over to the police./ 他们把小偷移交警察局了.
例句:to deliver a prisoner to the court / 把囚犯移交给法庭宣布;
例句:The congressman delivers his speech tomorrow morning./ 这名议员明天上午演讲(或发表演说).
例句:to deliver a verdict / 做出裁定[主美国英语]为(竞选者)拉(选票、选区等):
例句:to deliver votes to the candidate / 为候选人拉选票
例句:The oil well delivers 300 barrels a day./ 这口油井日产原油300桶.加,给予打击,打,击;发动(进攻):
例句:to deliver a blow at one's enemy / 给予敌人一个打击
例句:The challenger delivered a series of punches to the champion./ 那位挑战者向(拳击)冠军发动一连串猛击.
解放;解脱,释放:例句:He was delivered from bondage./ 他从束缚中解放出来.例句:They were delivered from slavery./ 他们从奴役中被解放出来.解救,拯救:例句:The police delivered the hostages from the terrorists./ 警察把人质从恐怖分子手中营救出来.例句:to deliver someone from the tiresome people / 把某人从讨厌的人那儿解救出来为(产妇)接生,助产(婴儿):例句:The doctor delivered her of a baby./ 这医生为她接生了一个婴儿.产生;生(孩子),产(婴儿):例句:She delivered twins at 5 P.M./ 她于下午5时产下孪生儿.例句:to deliver a baby / 生孩子[deliver oneself]发表(看法、见解、意见等):例句:to deliver oneself of an opinion / 发表意见投,掷(球等);发射(导弹等):例句:The missile was delivered from a ship./ 这枚导弹是从舰上发射的.使知道,告知,告诉;表明;宣传;公布【法律】正式交付(尤指盖有印章的契约)履行(契约、诺言等),兑现(诺言);达到(要求、标准等);实现(意图):例句:The President promised a $50 rebate for each taxpayer but failed to deliver it./ 总统曾答应让每个纳税人减税50美元,但未能兑现.[vi.]投递;送货;传送;运输:例句:The department store delivers free of charge./ 这家百货商店免费送货.实现意图(或期望);履行,兑现诺言;不负众望(on):例句:an ad agency known for delivering / 一家以履行诺言著称的广告代理公司例句:to deliver on one's pledge (or promise) / 履行诺言分娩,生产,生小孩[adj.][古语]敏捷的,灵敏的,灵活的短语:deliver a gaol(或jail) [英国英语]【法律】把监狱中的犯人全部提出来审讯deliver the goods 见goods