雅思口语的一个句子,怎么改?Liang was originally from Shanxi and had a very strong Shanxi accent and was never without a cigarette.

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/04 20:34:16

Liang was originally from Shanxi and had a very strong Shanxi accent and was never without a cigarette.

originally from 山西,我猜你应该是想说籍贯吧.你可以就说,Liang这个人的父亲来自于山西,或者你可以说,the native place of Liang is Shanxi province.如果你是说,他来自山西.那么在英语中,我们可以说,Liang was born in Shanxi.他在山西出生.这个是更符合英语国家的表达方式.
下面你说,他的山西强调很重.在英语口语里面,不要一个主语附带很多的谓语动词.在这里,我们可以用一个连词,随便一个连词,比如however,while,so,承接以下上面的意群.However,he/she speaks a strong Shanxi accent.
接下来的 一个意群,你要注意了.跟前面的没有什么关系.他不抽烟(没看得懂,你可能是说他少不了烟是不?我们在).在这里前面都用了,主语人+谓语动词的形式.在英语里面是讲究句式多样化的.那么你可以说,He/she has never been found smoking.你说抽烟一定要说抽小雪茄吗?说动词就可以了.smoking...在第二个意群和第三个意群中,你可以用 fortunately,或者其他的词来衔接.英语是一个逻辑性很强的语言,专业上说,就是形合语言,中文就是意合语言,也就是说,在中文里不常常出现连词,但是在英语里必须用连词,或者语气词来衔接.整个句子可以这样说:
Liang was born in Shanxi province,so he speaks a very strong local accent.Fortunately,he has never been found smoking.如果你是说,他少不了烟的话,那最后一句就是,unfortunately,he likes smoking very much.或者是,he smokes a lot.

Liang was born in Shanxi, so his Shanxi accent was very strong. And he didn't smoke at all.

Liang's originally from Shanxi,
he talks with a strong Shanxi accent all the time,
he smokes a lot, I've never seen him without a cigarette.

Liang was originally from Shanxi, he had a very strong Shanxi accent, and he was never without a cigarette.

cigarettes are as the shadow follows Liang, as same as his Shan xi accent, since he coming from Shan xi.