
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/06 04:36:59


You might have already forgotten the melody of Chinese music for years. It is very hard to hear them nowadays. Come join us! Let's recall and play the beautiful Chinese songs with Erhu ( Er-hu, Chinese Violin ), Pipa ( Chinese Lute ), GuZheng ( Chinese Zither ), YangQin ( Chinese Hammered Dulcimer ), Dizi ( Chinese Flute), etc., since it possesses our cultural spirits.
中国乐器具有温柔敦厚, 源远流长的特点, 然而在西乐充斥的现在, 你或许早已忘记了”嘈嘈切切错杂弹, 大珠小珠落玉盘“的琵琶曲, 也淡忘了”如泣如诉, 如怨如慕”的二胡调, 不打紧, 只要你愿意让自己或儿女学习与时下不同且具有文化特色的中国乐器, 那些优美醉人的曲调, 就能再度跃然琴上. .