注:我怕没人回答,所以悬赏积分为0.1.假如你是John,你的电话为5632748,你的手表丢了,请写一则寻物启示.2.假如你有一个服装店,请给自己的服装写一段广告词(开头已给出) Come to XingchaoClothes S

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/16 14:58:25

2.假如你有一个服装店,请给自己的服装写一段广告词(开头已给出) Come to Xingchao
Clothes Shop
4.以“My favorite subject”为题写一篇不少于80词的短文(我喜欢微机、语文和生物)
6.请写一篇不少于60字的英语短文,介绍一下你父母的工作以及你的理想.My family

My favourite subjects are computer science,Chinese and biology.There are three reasons why I love these subjects.First,all three subjects are very challenging,so they never bore me.Chinese,for example,allow me to read many literatures,such as poetry and essays.Second,these courses are very useful to me.They can help me get into a good university and get a good job.Last,these courses provide me with update knowledge that I can use in real life.For example,if I continue to study computer science,I hope I can make my own web pages during the summer.
My neighbourhood.
I live in a ten-store apartment at XXXX城市 in XXXX 省.My neighbourhood is a very typical XXXX城市 neighbourhood.It is located in an area with a lot of apartments full of families just like my family.We have a few roads with some traffic in the morning and few trees growing along the roads.There is a marketplace near my neighbourhood.My mom and dad always buy groceries there.There are also few restaurants around here.My favourite is XXXXX餐馆.One thing that I don’t like about my neighbourhood is that sometimes the roads are dirty.When the cars pass by,they leave dust on my clothes.
My family
There are three ) people in my family:mother,father and I.My mother is a short woman,but she is also very stronger.She is a factory (construction?) worker,a job that requires a lot of muscles and hard work.My father is a taxi (bus?) driver.He drives around a small red taxi.His job also requires hard work and a lot of working hours.Although my parents are very busy,they always find the time to cheer me up.For that I admire them very much.My dream is to be a fashion designer.I want to make beautiful clothing and watch people all over the world wear them.Then I will buy my parents a nice house so they can finally relax.
这些是很简单的短文.记住了,你经常可以使用.(我以前常做 ORZ)
寻物启示-- 我没有学...

我怕没人回答就悬赏10, 注:我怕没人回答,所以悬赏积分为0.1.假如你是John,你的电话为5632748,你的手表丢了,请写一则寻物启示.2.假如你有一个服装店,请给自己的服装写一段广告词(开头已给出) Come to XingchaoClothes S 《高山流水》中的“方鼓琴而志在高山”的“方”是什么意思?我怕没人来,所以就悬赏5元 由于好几次先悬赏分,老没人回答,所以这次追加,骗你我死 割腕为什么要斜着割?还有割静脉要放温水里是割完之后放吗?请问2、3个小时可以死吗?好吧我怕没人回答所以不弄悬赏、最佳最少10分、最多60分、 Anything else?的回答因为我怕没有答案而浪费积分,所以每一次都是追加. over、across、through、past和along用法有什么区别(怕没人回答所以先不悬赏,如果回答的精确追加30分)分别给出例句和词组,如果回答的精确追加30分! 甲乙两列火车同时从A、B两地相对开出,相遇时,甲乙两车未形的路程比为4:5,已知乙车每小时行72千米,甲车行完全程要10小时,求AB两地相距多少千米?因为怕没人回答,悬赏积分暂时为零,娃娃在 回答问题送分饿!只求一篇作文!作文写得好,我要一篇作文,关于写大自然或是暑假生活的作文,不要少于500字啊!如果设了悬赏,我怕没人回答,悬赏分会浪费, 五年级下册口算练习题,要很多,至少1000道题,我知道这很多.所以我会给一些悬赏分,有满意的加到100分,怕没人回答,得到满意答案后我给100分.至少1000道题,五年级下册口算的. 写一篇时事评论的作文!要针对一个最近发生的新闻报道,对它进行评论!要最近的新闻..最好自己写的,或者给范文我看看也可以..《因为怕短期内没人回答所以悬赏只有5,好的话可以加》 用显微镜看洋葱里的细胞的生物报告.要150字左右的.怕没人回答,所以先不给分,明天就交报告了.悬赏20分.写了就给. 这本答案的我追50分 点击有大图 现在悬赏怕没人有 英语翻译我积分不多,所以没放悬赏分, 正太郎为什么说“让老狐狸用自己的力量救出小狐狸,可能更好一些”?快啊,今天我就要!大家多写一点!不要看我没给分,其实我怕没人回答,若有好的,立即追加悬赏! 因为怕没人回答浪费掉, 先到先得怕没人回答浪费了 2009年10月1日阅兵式观后感!60年来的变化为题材,写一篇歌颂祖国的观后感【作文】!昨天啥样,今天啥样,明天啥样.我怕没人回答,悬赏才是0.