The birds are flying over the river.划线部分提问对于over the river 提问应该是:Where are the birds flying?对于the river 提问应该是:What are the birds flying over?对么?如果对于:The children are jumping off the wall.一

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/04/26 17:12:04

The birds are flying over the river.划线部分提问
对于over the river 提问应该是:Where are the birds flying?
对于the river 提问应该是:What are the birds flying over?对么?
如果对于:The children are jumping off the wall.一句提问,off the wall和 the wall 分别是什么?

jump off是固定搭配,是跳下来是意思.还有像get off the bus,下车.