if you don't agree ____what i said.A with B to C for D about

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/04/26 10:44:44

if you don't agree ____what i said.A with B to C for D about

agree with sb表同意某人的意见、看法
agree to sth 表同意“提议,办法,计划”
agree on sth 表同意具体的协议的文件、计划、行动等
总结,这里选择agree to what i sai.

如果你不同意我说的____what。A与B C D对

A with. agree with, 同意某人观点。。。agree to,对....达成共识。。

词组:be agree with sb 所以选B ,意为同意某人


agree with sth 同意

而agree to 我们一般讲的是 适应的意思 例如适应气候或者水土等

A agree with sth ; agree to sb

agree with 同意