有封英文邮件,看不懂,谁能告诉我下大概的意思邮件标题:COME TO MY AID下面是内容:Greetings,I got your contact in my searching of a good reputation foreign partner to assist me in my late husband properties.My late husband was

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 00:55:37

邮件标题:COME TO MY AID下面是内容:Greetings,I got your contact in my searching of a good reputation foreign partner to assist me in my late husband properties.My late husband was former district leaders of the diamond city and an executive member of the Diamond Mining Association in Sierra Leone.Before his death he disclosed to me that he deposited two trunk boxes contain sum of US$18.2 Million in a Security Company in Accra,Ghana,in a neighboring country in West Africa,after all,I had gave the Security Company a call and was confirmed that the boxes are intact but right now am dissable and i can not even travel because of my present predicament.I decide to solicit for your kind assistance to help me and my only son to invest these funds on our behalf the sum of US$18.2 Million and to sell 20kg of Gold Alluvial Dust in your country after claim from the security company for us and invest the total funds in your Business Venture for a long term and pay us monthly on an agreeable terms to be worked out later.Our lives and future of my only son depends on these funds and as such,I will be grateful if you can assist us.I am seeking your assistance to invest this fund out of Africa for investment purpose.I want you to come on board help clear this money from the deposit company,open an account on your name,and transfer the funds to your designated account in your country because i want to empower you for this transaction so that you have full legal power to negotiate this transaction as my legal representative.Why I also want you is that my husband specifically put it in his will and advice me that I must consult a foreign partner to assist me to move the funds and the gold out of Africa,I think was to save as a check on my part so that I would not loose the money,as this is the only money left for the success of my son in this generation.What I demanded from you is to assure me the safety of this money when it finally gets to you.Further information and arrangement will commence as soon as trust,confidence and good relationship is established.I shall be most grateful if you could maintain this high level of confidentiality I repose on you concerning this matter.My health is not in good shape now,because am hypertension patient and I need your help as quick as you can please.Please response as soon as possible so that I can send all the deposition documents to you and you can get in touch with the security company for inquiry on how to proceed on my behalf.Thanks for your personal consideration.Yours Sincerely,Ms.Stella Sigcau


有封英文邮件,看不懂,谁能告诉我下大概的意思邮件标题:COME TO MY AID下面是内容:Greetings,I got your contact in my searching of a good reputation foreign partner to assist me in my late husband properties.My late husband was 电影《You've got mail》播放到7分钟左右时出现了凯瑟琳给乔写的那封邮件,谁可以告诉我那封邮件完整的内容~不要中文~要英文的!还有如果有知道紧接着那首歌《Dreams》的歌词的话可以给附加 我不知道你是否能看到我这封全中文的邮件.翻译成英文 英语翻译收到一封莫名其妙的邮件·但是看不懂··祈求达人告诉我一下大概的意思··谢谢了 From the Desk Of Mr.Wallance David Bright.Assistant Managing Director Western Union.British Finance Monitoring Unit London.Hello 4封邮件,每个邮箱至少要有1封信!4封信都要投!问有多少种投法 .看不懂这4封邮件,每个邮箱至少要有1封信!4封信都要投!问有多少种投法 .看不懂这个过程 有谁能告诉我这封邮件是什么? 谁能告诉我这是什么用处英文看不懂 谁能把魔兽世界的英文缩写术语告诉我啊,真的很头疼,看不懂啊. “收件人收到这封邮件时,显示乱码.有哪些可能的原因”如何翻译成英文?谢谢 野蛮女孩的英文谁能告诉我下 谁能告诉我广义相对论的大概意思? 英文DX帮帮忙!半个月没有看邮件了,下午发现有封9号的邮件比较特别,因为全是英文的,我的文化只到高中,所以里面说的什么是 一窍不通了.希望有懂英文的朋友可以帮我解释下大致内容,原文 谁能告诉我这是谁的小提琴独奏(有一串英文解释看不懂)Vivaldi-The Four Seasons-Von Karajan - Anne-Sophie Mutter 帮忙告诉我这封信到底要说什么?有个人莫名其妙的群发了一封邮件到我的邮箱里,大概意思是说他不知道为什么他的电子邮箱通讯录中会有这么多人的地址.他是想要删除这些邮箱地址而通知 谁能帮忙翻译下,英文实在看不懂! 根据材料写作文,以下的材料谁能给提点提点,点拨下!3Q一天,我收到一封邮件,上面写道:“有一种成功叫撤退,有一种失败叫占领.”并且强调:这是《潜伏》里的台词,用来指导炒股真合适.我 谁能告诉我这个调料包怎么用啊..都是波兰语看不懂,追加100分同学从波兰带来的调料包,上面都是波兰语 我看不懂,希望有好心的人帮忙看一下...不需要详细的翻译,只要告诉我大概怎么用就行 发封邮件给他的朋友的英文怎么读