
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/05/31 04:31:43


这是英文译的 英文读顺得多
To love is to embrace the hand is not to argue for the U-turn.
Love is for hug,for holding hand,is not to argue for the turnaround.

只有英语特别好,原因竟然是:“爸爸骂我,我就用英语还口,他听不懂,挺过瘾,就学上了,越学越带劲。” 马云掉头走了。TONNY在和阿里巴巴几个同行聊了聊后说:“我还是在这儿干吧。”有趣的是现任的COO蔡崇信是

Love is for embrace, hand in hand, not for qurral or stay away.

To love is to embrace the hand is not to argue for the U-turn