
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/18 02:32:05


the origin of Christmas 圣诞节的来历
Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth,but most Christians observe Christmas on December 25.On this day,many go to church,where they take part in special religious services.During the Christmas season,they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly,mistletoe,and Christmas trees.
The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse,an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ.The story of Christmas comes chiefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New Testament.
圣诞节这个单词来自Cristes maesse,一种早期使用的英文词典中意味着救世主基督的弥撒.圣诞节的故事,主要来自于《新约》中《福音书》的《圣卢克福音》和《圣马太福音》.
Christmas song 圣诞歌曲
歌曲:We Wish You A Merry Christmas
We wish you a merry christmas
We wish you a merry christmas
We wish you a merry christmas And happy new year
Christmas joke 圣诞笑话
the christmas father said:"If you have not received my Christmas present,it has to be because of - your socks have a big hole!mend it fast!!"
the christmas father said:"The child,I am a Santa Claus,some Christmas big ritual needs to give you.Any......Your family does not have the chimney?Does not buy!
happy new year~