
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/02 16:06:49


①Why should you stand there like a fool?你怎么像傻子一样站在那里?
②How should I know?Has it anything to do with me?我怎么知道?这和我有什么关系?
③I don't know why you should have told him that much.我不明白你为什么跟他说那么多.
(should+have done表示已发生的情况.)
2.在It's surprising/ strange/ a pity...以及I'm surprised/ sorry...等句型中,当"竟然会"讲.例如:
①It's surprising that you should be so foolish.真令人吃惊,你竟会如此愚蠢!(现在)
②It's surprising that you should have failed to pass such an exam.真令人吃惊,这样的考试你竟然不及格.(已发生)
3.单独用"should (not) +have+过去分词"形式,对已发生的事表示遗憾或责备,表达"本该或不该"之意.例如:
①He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.他还明白了他本应该多关心朋友.(高一课本上册P4)
②He shouldn't have let out the secret.他本不该泄露秘密的.(实际情况是"他已泄密".)
在语气上should比must弱,但比may/ might强;shouldn't比
can't弱,但强于may/ might not.例如:
①I should be home in about ten minutes.照理说来,约十分钟后我就能到家.(高一课本上册P59)
②He should be having class now.他现在应该是在上课.
③As far as I know you shouldn't have any problems there.就我所知,在那里你不会遇到任何问题.
④According to the schedule,they should have arrived in Shanghai by now/ yesterday.按照计划,他们现在/昨天应该已经到达上海了吧.
(注:本句中的"should+have done"结构并不表示责备,仅表示说话人的揣测.)
①I think a friend should be kind.我认为朋友应该是善良的.(高一课本上册P1)
②You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim,and you should always wear a life jacket.如果不会游泳,你就不能去漂流;而且(漂流时)应该穿救生衣.(高一课本上册P18)
③Should the naughty boy be punished?那个调皮的男孩该受惩罚吗?
④It's necessary/ important/ natural that we should do it again.我们应该重做.
2.在与某些表示"建议和要求"的动词或名词搭配的从句中,用"should+动词原形"的形式,表示"建议或要求做某事",should可以省略.这类词常用的有:suggest(建议)/ suggestion,require,request,insist(坚持)等.例如:
①They suggested that Ed (should) start at 8 a.m..(宾语从句)
②It was suggested that Ed (should) start at 8 a.m..(主语从句)
③Ed received their suggestion that he (should) start at 8 a.m..(同位语从句)
④Their suggestion was that Ed (should) start at 8 a.m..(表语从句)
①If it should rain (=Should it rain) tomorrow,I should/ would stay at home.万一明天下雨的话,我就待在家里.
②Please call me if (=in case) you should need my help.万一需要我帮助的话,请给我打电话.(此句中should need可用need代替.)
2.在虚拟语气的主句中表示假设的结果,当"就会"讲.("should+do"表示现在或将来时间;"should+have done"表示过去或到目前为止的时间.)例如:
①If he were here,I should tell him the truth.如果他(现在)在这里的话,我就会告诉他真相.(事实是,他现在不在这里.)
②If I had been here yesterday,I should have taught him a good lesson.如果昨天我在这里,我就会好好教训他一顿.(事实是:我没教训他,因为我昨天没在这里.)
③I shouldn't have won without your help.如果没有你的帮助,我就赢不了.(事实是我已经获胜.)
I turned down the radio so that it shouldn't wake the baby up.为不惊醒婴儿,我把收音机音量调小.
①I should say you are wrong.我得说你错了.
②I should like to have a look at your new stamp.我想看看你的新邮票.
I said I should come early.我说过我会早来.(其直接引语是:"I shall come early," I said.)
1)would like; Would like to do = want to 想要,为固定搭配.
Would you like to go with me?
2)Will you…?Would you like…?表示肯定含义的请求劝说时,疑问句中一般用some,而不是any.
Would you like some cake?
3)否定结构中用will,一般不用would,won't you是一种委婉语气.
Won't you sit down?

(shall 的过去式)
[表示过去将来时; 常用于间接引语]将
[表示语气较强的假设]万一, 竟然
[用于第一人称时表示某种条件下会产生的结果; 用于第二、三人称时表示说话者的意愿]就, 该
[表示可能性、推测、推论]可能, 该
[表示义务、责任]应当, 应该
[表示委婉、谦逊]可, 倒


(shall 的过去式)
[表示过去将来时; 常用于间接引语]将
[表示语气较强的假设]万一, 竟然
[用于第一人称时表示某种条件下会产生的结果; 用于第二、三人称时表示说话者的意愿]就, 该
[表示可能性、推测、推论]可能, 该
[表示义务、责任]应当, 应该
[表示委婉、谦逊]可, 倒
[用于表示必要、适当、惊奇、遗憾等的从句中]应该; 竟然会
[与why, who, how 等连用, 表示意外、惊异等] 竟会
[用于表示建议、命令、决定等的从句中]应该, 必须
[用于表示目的或由 lest 等引导的从句中]可以, 会; 万一
I told you I should be glad to do it. (=I told you, “I shall be glad to do it.”)
我告诉过你, 我是高兴去做的。
If I should fail I would try again.
万一失败, 我还要试一试。
If you [he] had much money, you [he] should buy it.
如果你[他]有许多钱, 你[他]就该把它买下来。
They should have arrived in Beijing by this time.
You shouldn't be so careless.
I should hardly think so.
It is simply a miracle that rice should grow in such a place.
稻子竟能在这样的地方生长, 这实在是个奇迹。
How should I know?
It was proposed that we should act at once.
I'll remind him lest he should forget it.
怕他忘记, 我会提醒他的。
I stayed in lest I should catch cold.
我怕伤风, 所以呆在屋里。
S-he fail, he would try again.
万一失败了, 他会再试一试的。
aux. (will 的过去式)
[表示过去将来时, 用于第二、三人称](第一人称英国用 should, 美国用 would) 将, 会
He said he would come.
[表示意愿]愿; 偏要, 肯
He would eat nothing.
他不肯吃东西; 他什么也不愿吃。
I told him not to go, but he would not listen.
我叫他别去, 可他偏不听 。
He would go in spite of our warnings.
他不听我们的劝告, 执意要去。
[表示过去的习惯动作]常常, 总是
He would sit for hours doing nothing.
过去他常常 坐几个钟头什么事也不做。
He would come to see us on Sundays.
[表示推测]大概, 该是
I would be about ten when my brother left home.
我哥哥离开家时, 我大概十岁左右 。
[表示某种假设的意志]想要, 愿意
I could do so if I would.
要是我愿意, 我能够这样做(但我不愿意)。
If you would do this for me, I should be grateful indeed.
若是你愿意为我做这件事, 我将万分感激 。
[表示虚拟, 假设, 虚 构, 用于虚拟条件句的主句第二、第三人称, 美国也用于第一人称]要, 会, 就会, 将要
They would be killed if the car went over the cliff.
如果汽车翻在悬崖下, 他们就会丧命。
They would have been killed if the car had gone over the cliff.
如果汽车当时翻到悬崖下, 他们早就丧命了。
[表示请求或个人想法、看法, 使语气更婉转]请
Would you kindly show me the way to the station?
劳驾, 请问到车站的路怎么走?
I would like to speak a few words.
It would seem that he was right.
[表示假想的愿望]但愿, 要是...多好
Would [I would] that they were safe home again!
愿他们再能平安回家 !
Would that I were young again.
We wish that he would come again.
我们但愿他会再来 。
I would rather you came on Sunday.
希望你星期天来 。
[表示能力](=could) 能
The barrel would hold 100 litres.
这桶能装一百升 。


should 有一层含义是“竟然的意思。”表示态度 would也表示一种意愿的。具体问题具体分析啊

should是表示时态还是态度?would呢? suggestion 后面用虚拟语气should 是哪个时态的虚拟?现在虚拟还是将来 可是为什么只能用should? 现在完成时是现在时态还是过去时态 What should we do if it__tomorrow A.should snow B.would snow C.snow D.will snow不是当if表示如果的时候是if it snows么?表示是否该什么时态就什么时态么? I'm studying Chinese in this month.是现在时态,还是表示这月我要去学中文的将来时态 中国对日本大地震的态度是叫好,还是表示同情? you should b-- a present for Allen on his birthday.填bought还是buy?句中能看出是过去时态吗?如果是将来时态就应该是you should buy a present for Allen for his birthday.风唱梵音 粗心是一种态度还是情绪还是? 态度应用什么形容词修饰?是欣赏态度还是喜欢态度?还有别的形容词吗? 过去将来时是过去时态还是将来时态? “过去将来时”是一个时态还是2个时态? 优柔寡断是一种态度还是一种情绪? happen 是无完成时态还是无进行时态,还是无被动时态? shall 和should在表示推测的时候,是不是只有时态上的区别?should和shall具体的区别? Tim,if you don't like to watch TV at home,you____go shopping as well.a.should b.might c.may d.woul请问是为什么啊?abcd 特别是b和c的区别 这篇文章是过去时还是别的时态 请问这句话“Government should be dealing with the reason of poverty,not the results of it ”这句话里面为什么要用 should be dealing with?这是时态的用法还是其他的什么句型呢? This should be right的一般疑问句是Should this be right还是Should this is right?be动词需要还原吗?另外This should be right如果和表示为过去时和将来时呢?