
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/07 16:21:48


《The season》is written by Charlotte Bingham,one of the most popular writers in Britain.And this book is her new bestseller."Her imagination is thoroughly original",comments from Daily Mail.Portia and Emily meer to launch their daughters on an unsuspecting Sociery for the London Season of 1913.Both are determined that their debutants ,Phyllis and Edith,will catch the eye of their friend's son,a future Duke.
If that were all,the Season would be a relatively simple affair,but since Portia is recently widowed and Emily is away from her husband ,life is bound to get more interesting.
Meanwhile,their arch-enemy Daisy Lanford ,fallen on hard times due to the extravagance and too many lovers,is busy lauching American heiress.However,her heiress Sarah Hartley Lambett,whilst an engaging girl,is not the wild success Daisy had hoped she would be.This is largely due to the machinations of Phyllis,who,having formed an unholy alliance with Edith,is intent on spoiling the American girl's chance.
As always ,the Season is fraught with dangers for both the young and the middle-aged ,while the old observe ,knowing it has all gone on before.It will be a minor miracle if all three girls find husbans before the end of the Season,and their mothers,not to mention Daisy Landford ,renewed happiness.
Charlotte Bingham wrote her autobiography,Coronet Among the Weeds,at the age of nineteen.Since then,she has written comedy and drama series,silms and plays for both England and America with her husband,the actor and playwriter Terence Brady.Her most recent novels are the highly acclaimed bestsellers The Blue Note,The Love Knot,Change of Heart,which won the 1994 Romantic Novel of the Year Award,Debutantes,The Nightngale Sings and Grand Affair.

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