新概念作文 超了字数我写了6000多字,可以吗?一般来说可以超字数但是超过了之后报名表上怎么填写?是写要求的极限5000呢还是如实写比如6070个字?还有,我已经投了几篇,但感觉不好,如果再投,

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/08 06:53:46

新概念作文 超了字数


From my notes from the time when I can feel the love of my parents. My grandmother from the parents, and parents every week bicycle walk long way I look at, delicious to me with a lot of things, took ...


From my notes from the time when I can feel the love of my parents. My grandmother from the parents, and parents every week bicycle walk long way I look at, delicious to me with a lot of things, took me out to play, respectively, of the time, I cried, parents含着eyes tear. At this time I would like to say: thank their parents for giving me life!
The door into the schools, started a new knowledge of the study, in the process of learning, I encountered some problems. For example, our school English test, I think that this can be a good test, but is because of my carelessness, the next test well on the trip." But said the tone of this sentence is heavy. So I determined to achieve good results, for parents Zhengkou Qi, really, I have to test the second time a high score. I Hao Xiang said: I thank my parents to study with the help!
When I came back from school, turn on the TV, eating snacks and enjoying the beautiful youth. I would like to detail, all these are not given to my parents? » This is the mother in cooking, her father in Xicai. Parents are doing everything to me you are not » I really wanted to say: I thank the parents have given me a warm home!
I remember a song in Changdao "Thank day, thank, thank fate ------" yes ah, my parents, is the largest benefactor, and if they did not, how can I open character of this man and the sun Hasbro is » So I have to say: Thank you for parents!


新概念作文 超了字数我写了6000多字,可以吗?一般来说可以超字数但是超过了之后报名表上怎么填写?是写要求的极限5000呢还是如实写比如6070个字?还有,我已经投了几篇,但感觉不好,如果再投, 新概念作文字数超了参加第十一届新概念作文 要求三千到五千 我写了五千五 可以吗 全国创新英语大赛初赛作文字数我写的用WORD统计了一下,有340多字了基本不能再减了可是要求不能超300个字这样能不能过关? 新概念作文大赛超字了怎么办我的文章七千字.而他规定的字数是5000次.我超字的话会不会有什么影响.会不会直接淘汰啊. 新概念作文超过字数会被刷么?作文写了六七千字,会不会直接被刷掉?那字数怎么写? 要一篇超短篇散文,字数200-300字这篇都有600多字了 作文 XXX影响了我 600多字, 新概念作文字数太少字数规定5000字以内,但是如果写1000字,是不是太少了呢? 六级作文超字数扣几分 写了230多 雅思小作文写了100多字,明显不够,但我我题目中的数据都写了,结构句式都还不错.大概能有几分?字数不够影响大么? 可是我的作文经常不止五百字,怎么办?我随便写一篇叙事文只要有心写都能写七八百字,老师说要控制字数,我怎么办啊还有一次我写作文写了一千多字我也不知道是什么写这么多字的啊 反正 我的作文常常不够字数,我现在读初一,马上就要考试了,作文是我最担心的地方.我写的作文常常五百多字,而作文起码要600字,经常不够字数,即使够字数,也是有很多的废话掺杂在里面.我不知道 新概念作文大赛初赛文字数超过了怎么办参加十五届的新概念 初赛文有篇小说字数超了 不过没有超很多 超了500多个字.会不会有什么关系?虽然也参加了去年的 可是去年的字数没超过啊TAT 六级作文字数超了会有影响吗 微型作文字数超了扣多少分 GRE作文字数问题最近写的几篇GRE作文,不仅时间上不够,连字数都不够.我ISSUE顶多500,通常都只有400多字.ARGUMENT 就更少了,300多一点,还有280多的,真的没什么话可写的,总觉得写多了就冗长了.马上 老师让写一篇作文叫《那次,我感动了》,500多字就行 我想要一篇写中秋的作文400多字就行了