
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 12:41:52


.is a folk song of guangxi zhuang nationality,which music melody and tone possess unique music characteristic .
But in the present society,zhuang folk songs of Donglan has a great change with the development of economy.
The author analysised the revolutionary songs of DongLan county WuZhuan town,from which achieved more enlightenments,that is,provide some beneficial help for protection and inheritance of Intangible cultural heritage of national minority.

Guangxi folk DongLanXian music of the zhuang nationality, its melody characteristics, unique music tones characteristic features. But in the present society, east of the aramaeans zhuang folk songs wi...


Guangxi folk DongLanXian music of the zhuang nationality, its melody characteristics, unique music tones characteristic features. But in the present society, east of the aramaeans zhuang folk songs with the development of economy has undergone great changes of guangxi, the author DongLanXian sasha Zhuan town on the revolutionary songs, music analysis in order to gain more inspiration for the protection of ethnic minorities, the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage protection offer some beneficial to help.


英语翻译内容:...是广西东兰县的壮族民歌,其音乐旋律特点、音调特色具有独特的音乐特色.但是在当下社会,东兰的壮族民歌随着经济的发展却发生了很大的变化,笔者将对广西东兰县武篆镇 英语翻译我的家乡我的家乡百色,百色位于广西西部、风景优美、历史悠久、人杰地灵同时百色是全国文明的革命老区.百色有壮族、汉族、瑶族、苗族、彝族、仡佬族、回族等7个民族,是典型 中国为什么不设广西省?而是设广西壮族自治区?自治区和省有什么区别像广西是壮族的自治区,他们说广西的高官只能是壮族人,是不是一定要成立广西省其他民族的才可以当高官去领导整个广 壮族语,古麦萌的意思是? 是广西师范大学出版社的 广西的港口城市是. 中国有55个少数民族,我属壮族,请问壮族是怎么由来的? 为何中国五大族汉满蒙回藏没有壮族 壮族是人口最多的少数民族啊 广西人口总数是多少?汉族人口是多少?壮族是多少? 壮族的传统节日 壮族的聚居地区 壮族的由来 我国人口最少的少数民族是苗族、壮族、还是维吾尔族? “可能”在壮族文字中是怎么写的? 是广西师范大学出版社的喔. 北回归线自东向西穿过的省区,与下列民族排序大致相同的是()A高山族、汉族、壮族、傣族 B汉族、壮族、傣族、高山族、C壮族、傣族、高山族、汉族、D傣族、壮族、汉族、高山族下列少 北回归线自西向东穿过的省区,与下列民族排列相同的是( )A.高山族,汉族,壮族,傣族B.汉族,壮族,黎族,傣族C.傣族,壮族,汉族,高山族D.壮族,傣族,黎族,高山族 六年级下册语文第二单元作文写壮族服饰的内容精彩400字左右