
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/06 09:12:39


可调整利率贷款项目 Option ARMs
房地产泡沫 real estate bubble
房地产泡沫The Housing Bubble
房地产泡沫破灭 the housing bubble busting
经济衰退 economic declining
经济危机 economic crisis
市场疲软 market weak
信用危机 credit risk
系统风险 Systemic Risk
贬值 devaluation
抵押债务 collateralized debt obligations(CDO)
住房抵押贷款证券 mortgage-backed securities(MBS)
贷款欺诈 fraudulent loans
次贷危机 Subprime mortgage crisis

经济危机(economic crisis)失业者(the unemployed)全球性危机(global crisis)下岗 (lay-off)消费习惯(consuming habits)月光族(Moonlite)
经济危机 economic crisis/ financial crisis/ financial turmoil/financial meltdown


经济危机(economic crisis)失业者(the unemployed)全球性危机(global crisis)下岗 (lay-off)消费习惯(consuming habits)月光族(Moonlite)
经济危机 economic crisis/ financial crisis/ financial turmoil/financial meltdown
  经济不景气 recession/ bleeding economy/ depression/sluggish economy
  萧条期 slump
  失业 lose one’s job/ be unemployed/ be redundant
  失业加剧 job losses mount/ unemployment climb
  失业人数 jobless number
  找工作 seek employment
  找工作者 job seeker
  严峻的就业形势 a tough job market
  欠薪 withhold wage
  减薪 salary cut
  信心下滑 confidence slump
  经济复苏 economic recovery
  经济危机的影响 the crisis’ fallout


subprime :次贷
credit crisis:信贷危机
sell-off:抛盘 . under strain : 处于窘境 . mortgage debt :抵押债务 recession :衰退
liquidity:偿债能力,流动性. hoard cash:揽现 meltdown:萧条,彻底垮台
. short-term Treasuries :短期国...


subprime :次贷
credit crisis:信贷危机
sell-off:抛盘 . under strain : 处于窘境 . mortgage debt :抵押债务 recession :衰退
liquidity:偿债能力,流动性. hoard cash:揽现 meltdown:萧条,彻底垮台
. short-term Treasuries :短期国债 credit crunch:信用紧缩. plummet:直线下降: hedge fund: 套利基金;避险基金. stimulus:刺激(方案) rate cut:利率下调


Economic Crisis 经济危机
Passive crisis 被动性危机
Initiative crisis 主动性危机
Recession 经济衰退
Devaluation 货币贬值
Economic policy 经济政策
Overproduction 生产过剩
Inflation 通货膨胀


Economic Crisis 经济危机
Passive crisis 被动性危机
Initiative crisis 主动性危机
Recession 经济衰退
Devaluation 货币贬值
Economic policy 经济政策
Overproduction 生产过剩
Inflation 通货膨胀
Deflation 通货紧缩
Financial deficits 财政赤字
Monetary and credit crisis 货币信用危机
