
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 23:18:44


Our dining hall has just been decorated.It has good atmosphere and unique flavor.There are diverse tastes in our dining hall,which can surely meet your needs.

Our restaurant is just decorated,which has good atmosphere and unique flavor 。
There are enough tastes to satisfy you.

Our restaurant is recently decorated, we have good mood and the unique flavor, we are sure to satisfy your needs.

My dine has been docrated, with good admosphere and unique flavor. We have lots kind of taste, and can satisfy every needs for you.

Our restaurant is newly furbished, with a great atmosphere and unique taste. Our restaurant has many flavors, guaranteed to satisfy your need.

We will surely satisfy you with a good and unique atmosphere as well as many tastey food in our just decorated restaurant.

Our restaurant is decorated recently , it has a good atmosphere and particular food , there are also a variety of taste ., we are sure to satisfy you needs .

Our restaurant is newly decorated. You will satisfied with good atmosphere, a unique flavor, many kind of delicious foods with assorted taste.

英语翻译我们餐厅是刚装修过的,有好的气氛和独特的风味,我们餐厅的口味有许多种,肯定能满足你的需要 石灰刷墙有没有气味和危害?我们租房刚装修过,有气味.但房东说是用石灰刷的,没关系的..我们有个宝宝了... 新房刚装修好,什么样的绿色植物对吸甲醛有很好的效果? 现代简约风格的装修,餐厅吊顶是圆形好还是方形好呢?还有餐桌.要6~8人坐.我餐厅的尺寸是3.2米*2.8米 英语翻译是中国餐厅的意思吗? 硅藻泥能放甲醇吗,哪里有买的我问的是郑州哪里有买的;对刚装修过的房子都哪些好处 英语翻译1、我认为圣诞节应该过,因为圣诞节在国外相当于中国的春节,一家人欢聚一堂,其乐融融.我们可以通过这个节日和家人一起庆祝圣诞,增进家庭气氛.2、圣诞节虽然是国外的节日,但有 求“餐厅装修升级中,敬请期待”的英文翻译.谢谢! 家里的毛坯房,三卧室朝阳,另一边以次是客厅、卫生间、厨房,厨房与小卧室之间有个小餐厅请问谁有类似的装修效果图,我想借鉴一下进行装修,房子是110平的 英语翻译1.我们餐厅快打烊了,请问还需要点什么吗?2.我们餐厅营业时间快到了.3.这是生的,我去烤一下再拿过来,请稍等4.那里锁门了,请从这里过5.已经过了营业时间了,我们的晚餐时间是从5:3 “在我们学校有浪费水,电,餐厅的食物,书本的现象.这样造成浪费资源的为害.”英语翻译 我们家正在装修新房子 墙壁是紫色和蓝色的 求英语翻译 我的房子,进门就是餐厅,右边是厨房和卫生间,左边是客厅,正对面是两个房间,要怎么装修?听说这样的房子风水很不好, 英语翻译刚联系过一家叫精诚翻译的,他们给我们的报的价格是60元千字,他们说我们的材料翻译出来有6000字左右,需要360.这个价格到底算什么样的水平! 英语翻译:我们有过故事的开始 过几天我们三个人要朗诵北岛的《回答》一诗,谁知道配什么背景音乐好,要符合气氛的,得有感觉才行!北岛:《回答》 卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭,看吧,在那镀金的天空中, 刚装修的房子甲醇超标怎么办? 刚装修好的房子房间放什么东西可以消除味道同问