英语辩论题目:孩子做家务不应给报酬 证明观点急求英语素材,越多越好,各种不同方面论证,最好能考虑到对方的应对.好的追加50分以上,

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 20:05:29

英语辩论题目:孩子做家务不应给报酬 证明观点

大家都有点死板嘛 英语辩论不一定初论点要是英文嘛 中文也可以嘛 更不要用那些翻译软件直译 太撮啦

1A child to do household chores, parents give you the money. Parents to do housework, who give you the money? Is it not the parents doing housework for the children?
2 This is a family, not a co...


1A child to do household chores, parents give you the money. Parents to do housework, who give you the money? Is it not the parents doing housework for the children?
2 This is a family, not a company, the family should be harmonious family relationships, giving money is too utilitarian, and easily lead to domestic human relations shallow.
3 easily lead to the child's inertia, later give you the money if the do not give you the money if they will pull out.
4 affect a child's outlook on life and values, to measure everything to money, which is contrary to traditional moral values.
5 copies of housework is also a matter within the child, you can let him learn to self-reliance.
6 facts speak for themselves: Give the money as a child what the future of the (estimated at not a few)? No money beyond what the children, as the (a lot)?
7 Think about the leadership of our country, our ancestors were, as his home for the country, who asked return it?
8 how to use money to measure the child's labor force? Children wash a bowl, you have to give 5 or 10, or 50? This can not be measured in money! !
9 Our country is not yet very rich in the poor mountain children, and some have no money to study, in addition to doing housework, and some fear that childhood should feed their families, their parents not easy, how can give money to their children to do housework reward?


Here are three points to support your view-------
In my humble opinion,children should not be paid for the housework they do.The reasons are as follow:
First,doing housework is originall...


Here are three points to support your view-------
In my humble opinion,children should not be paid for the housework they do.The reasons are as follow:
First,doing housework is originally his or her duty for a child,and it's his or her responsibility too.A family is just like the society,each member has both right and duty,including doing housework.
Second,as is mentioned above,each memember of a family is equal.If the children were paid for the housework,then their parents should be paid too.But do you see that any parents have been paid for the housework they did?
Third,Paying children for the housework would probably develop their bad qualities that is self-fish and greed.


英语辩论题目:孩子做家务不应给报酬 证明观点急求英语素材,越多越好,各种不同方面论证,最好能考虑到对方的应对.好的追加50分以上, 辩论-孩子做家务应向长辈收取报酬吗?要辩词 辩论:孩子做家务,父母是否要给报酬?我是反方 孩子做家务应不应该付报酬(反方) 辩论赛 孩子做家务应不应该索要报酬辩论会正反方都要 辩论:孩子做家务应不应该找家长要报酬(我是正方) 的相关材料各位大虾们,虽然很不愿意,但是我还是被推到正方里去了,即:孩子做家务应该找父母要报酬.现在我们缺少有关事例与调查 辩论:小孩子做家务应不应该收钱 孩子做家务,长辈要给报酬 你怎么看 300字 英语作文《孩子应不应该做家务》要带翻译 辩论赛小学生在家里做家务应不应该收取报酬反方(不应该收取报酬)在自由辩环节应该对正方提什么问题? 辩论:小学生应不应该做家务 我是反方该怎么说? 辩论会的辩论词 小学生做家务要不要报酬?我是正方:小学生做家务要报酬我马上就要(尽量详细)小学生做家务要报酬的辩论词 辩论会的发言,辩论问题是青少年在家里做家务父母应不应该给钱?我是反方辩手,辩论的是不给钱.有辩论词吗? 小孩怎么样给零用钱外国的家长会让他们做家务给报酬,我们可以借鉴吗,对孩子的成长,心理会有什么不妥吗 反驳.辩论某班举行以孩子做家务,长辈要不要付报酬'为话题的辩论会.下面是甲方同学的一段辩词:孩子做家务,长辈应该付一定的报酬.现在是商品经济时代,办事都要讲经济效益,这也符合按 孩子做家务的好处英语作文 有关“孩子做家务,长辈要付报酬”的问题,八年级(3)班曾进行了一番辩论,甲乙双方观点各不同,请写出你的见解 在一些家庭中,孩子做家务长辈要付给报酬,不同意的理由,答得规范一点