
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/04 02:42:00


Here are some extremely uncivilized actions,for example,jumping the red light when crossing the street,throwing the rubbish everywhere,talking loudly on the phone in the public places,writing and drawing on the wall in the interesting places and so on.As a member of the society,everyone of us has the duty to obey the traffic rules,to be civilized,to be polite.Besides,we shouldn't speak loudly in the public places;we shouldn't throw the rubbish everywhery,not to mention drawing on the wall in the traveling places.It needs all of us to protect a good social order,and everyone of us should act together and build a society in which we should obey the civilization and rules.

When you cross the road red light running, throw garbage, talking loudly on the phone in public, scrabble in tourist attractions and so on, these are some very uncivilized behavior.As a member of soci...


When you cross the road red light running, throw garbage, talking loudly on the phone in public, scrabble in tourist attractions and so on, these are some very uncivilized behavior.As a member of society, each of us has a responsibility to obey the traffic rules, speakingcivilization, polite, the public not to loud noise, do not throw garbage, not in the tourist attractions apply the crow.A good social order, we need to work together to maintain, everyone should take action, to jointly build a civilized, orderly society in


中译英:在过马路的时候闯红灯,随手乱丢垃圾,在公共场合大声打电话,在旅游景点乱涂乱画等等,这都是...中译英:在过马路的时候闯红灯,随手乱丢垃圾,在公共场合大声打电话,在旅游景点乱涂 汉译英:中国式过马路指的是一群人一起在过马路时闯红灯 过马路闯红灯怎么翻译 过马路的时候要小心.中译英 过马路闯红灯用英语怎么说? 过马路闯红灯英文怎么写同上 孩子是一定错的,父亲是永远对的一个孩子在过马路的时候闯红灯,结果父亲在对岸打着他,他哭了,他告诉爸爸,你有没有闯红灯,爸爸一下子打了上去,他大声说,就回答我一个问题,有没有闯过红 1:请问大家在什么情况下过马路会闯红灯或翻越围栏? 请你根据小刘的调查结果,对终结“闯红灯过马路”现象提出合理化建议. 一过马路闯红灯打一生肖为什么打蛇要打七寸? 英语翻译1.我扶老爷爷过马路2.在公共汽车上我给抱着孩子的妇女让座3.我随手捡起地上的垃圾 路上的汽车为什么不敢闯红灯?我看都规规矩矩的等绿灯了才过马路. 英语翻译不要在绿灯转换为红灯的时候过马路英语怎么翻译不要在绿灯转换为红灯的时候过马路英语怎么翻译 如果当你在十字路口的时候,红灯亮了,而马路上没有车辆来往是否可以闯红灯?我跟我姐就此问题各持己见,且争论数次无法说服对方.请各位朋友发表一下意见,以求正解. 请在下面这段话的括号里填上合适的关联词近年来,“中国式过马路”、非机动车闯红灯现象已经严重影响了交通秩序.()是大城市,()小县城,都给人们的出行带来了诸多安全隐患.()人 过十字路口时,过的时候是绿灯车子过了停车线以后变黄灯,请问算闯红灯吗? 为此,各地政府纷纷采取措施,遏制这一现象的蔓延,北京、上海、南京等地开始加大对行人过马路闯红灯的查处力度. 绿灯变黄灯后我过线,并过了马路,这样算闯红灯吗?在离线还有5米左右绿灯已经在闪了,当变成黄灯后我毅然越过了线,但也是在变红灯之前,然后我就开过了马路,这样算是闯红灯吗?