英语翻译人家没悬赏的都有回答 为毛我的没有啊啊 悬赏现在不够 满意加到100为了研究高中生应激生活事件与应付方式的相关关系,探讨高中生应激生活事件和应付方式分别在性格、学科等方

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/05 11:12:17

人家没悬赏的都有回答 为毛我的没有啊啊 悬赏现在不够 满意加到100

In order to study the relationship between the behaviors of senior high school students towards daily events and their manners of doing it, as well as to probe the variations in character traits, subject performance of them, the research paper carries out a survey on daily events and coping manners of youth by means of quantitative broadsheet and questionnaires involving data acquired from 223 senior high school students.
The results reveal the following aspects, firstly, in the survey of senior high school daily events, students from rural areas suffer more from study pressure and punishment compared with students from urban areas, and boys take more pressure and citicism compared with girls; secondly, in the research regarding coping manners, the only child behave more rationally than students with siblings; thirdly, the study shows a positive correlation between human relationships in senior high school life and the quantities of problem solutions. On the other side, there is a negative correlation between the human relationships, problem solutions and the following behaviors such as study pressure, selfaccusation, fantasy, evasion, rationalization. And there is a prevalent negative correlation among the following aspects, study pressure and selfaccusation, evasion, rationalization; punishment and selfaccusation, evasion, rationalization; loss and selfaccusation; healthy adjustment and selfaccusation, fantasy, evasion, rationalization. And there is a positive correlation between problem solution and others, and a negative one between selfaccusation, fantasy, evasion, rationalization and others. (本段中文意思不太理解“其它”不知所指的是什么,指代关系似乎不明确)

英语翻译人家没悬赏的都有回答 为毛我的没有啊啊 悬赏现在不够 满意加到100为了研究高中生应激生活事件与应付方式的相关关系,探讨高中生应激生活事件和应付方式分别在性格、学科等方 英语翻译先说明没悬赏的啊 有人问我是不是外貌协会,我回答说我是综合协会.人家没回我.我的回答很雷人吗? 回答我没做的. 怎么都没有人来回答我的问题呢? 如图,好的我加悬赏没有错,每个条件都有用 英语翻译今天八点前回答的有悬赏! 家里停电,只有我601没电,别人家都有,是怎么回事? 没回答!我的提问就从来没他妈回答!一个都没有!真他妈有意思! 有谁知道我提问的问题没有人回答是怎么回事? 基础悬赏150分,可以再加有几个问题没搞懂,基础悬赏分150,回答精彩的话我可以酌情再加.1.关于函数的周期性,书上有几个结论我没明白①若对任何x∈D(D是定义域)都有f(x+a)=-f(x),则f(x)是以 英语翻译为什么都没有人回答? 英语翻译楼下的朋友 其实我人倒不懒 现在的问题是 没经验人家根本不让我进去 入不了手 我甚至跟人家单位说愿意不领工资去学习 学好了在做 人家也不愿意 鲁迅《朝花夕拾》每篇主要内容、所涉及的人物形象.一篇都不能少哦!有悬赏的、我没了,最后的积蓄了.行行好~ l would like to be a policeman英语作文急,快没时间了,好的回答我加悬赏 没文化可悲的诗句,词也行怎么没人回答啊?精辟的话,我给额外悬赏啊 我不是来抄作业的,只是老师没教过.个人感觉不模糊,仔细看.有回答加悬赏. 英语翻译RT,这句话用英语怎么说.原谅我没能原谅你朋友们回答的都很快啊,怎么这么多种回答啊。