
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/16 10:55:51

让我们再回到最后一个场景:明里与远野于铁轨处擦肩而过,互相认出了对方.当两人走到铁轨的两边时,不约而同的转过了头.这时,飞驰的火车将两人的视线阻隔在了两边.当火车驶过后,远野发现明里已经离开.然后,在以每秒5厘米的速度飘落的樱雨中,远野带着一丝微笑转身离开.在这短短的两分钟内,其实把前面五十多分钟的故事梗概包含在了里面:明里与远野在小时候相遇(在铁轨处相遇)但终究两人走到了不同的地方(走到了铁轨的两侧)虽然彼 此心中都有挂念(两人不约而同的转过了头)但种种困难横跨在两人之间(飞驰的火车将两人的视线阻隔在了两边)远野在回忆中迷茫,不接受任何新的幸福(远野面前飞驰的,不断变化却毫无改变的车厢),当繁华落尽,明里找到了幸福(明里已经离开)而远野也终于从迷茫中走了出来(远野带着一丝微笑转身离开).
关于五厘米的解释 每秒5厘米似乎这个速度并不是很快,甚至可以说是很慢.人的步行速度都比它快.可这个速度如果保持了13年呢.通过这个公式可以计算出来.5CM/S * 13年 * 365天 * 24小时 * 60分钟 *60秒 =20498.4公里.20498.4公里.这个距离正好是绕行地球半圈的距离,也就是南极和北极的距离.当然也许这只是个巧合,经过百度秒速5厘米贴吧的一些专业达人的分析,贵树和明里最后一次见面到岔道口的相遇,正好是13年.如果这一切都不是巧合的话,只能赞叹 新海诚的大纲写的是如此的精细.两个曾经相溶的心,经过了13年的时间,彼此达到了地球上最远的距离.

Having prepared for more than 50 minutes, XinHaicheng has finally expressed his felling by a turn-around, a turn-back and a smile by the last two minutes.
Let’s go back to the last scene: MingLi and YuanYe brashed against each other by the track and they recognized each other. They turned around at the same time when they got to opposite sides of the track. Just then, a sudden train separate their sight. After that, YuanYe found that MingLi had gone. Then he turned around and left with a smile in the sakura rain which falls at a speed of 5 centimetres per second. More than 50 minutes’ story can be conclued within the short two minutes: MingLi and YuanYe met each other when they were young (by the track), but finally, the went towards different directions(opposite sides of the track). Though they missed each other (they turned around at the same time), there were too much difficulty between them. (coming train which seperated them). Feeling confused in memory, YuanYe would not accept any new happiness(galloping coaches, always changing but still no difference). When the bustling is over, MingLi found his happiness,(he had left) while YuanYe also walked out of confusion. (he truned around with a smile)
What XinHaicheng want to express is naïve feeling will not change as time goes by. Tough the feeling is not completed, it will be a good memory in heart. Always afraid of past hurts and not daring toaccept new happiness will only make one become older and older and die slowly. Memory is like wine: drinking a little will tase mellifluence while drinking too much will only become an unconsious wine bibber. In the sakura rain falling at a speed of 5 centimetres per second, thinking of happy past stories, YuanYe went towards his way. They went oppositely farther and farther, with sadness of wrong love but more longing for future happiness.