关于锻炼的英语短文要点:1,锻炼身体的好处:strong,healthy,energetic,.2,锻炼身体的方式:ball game,running,swiming,.3,请你谈谈对学校开展体育锻炼的看法或建议.(至少两点)要求:1,内容必须包括

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/02 15:54:16

2,锻炼身体的方式:ball game,running,swiming,.
Health is very important to us teenagers__________________________________

Physical exercise
As the saying goes:" a day at dawn." Most people are accustomed to exercise in the morning, think that this can hearten spirit. However, some foreign medical care experts think, also be of great advantage to exercise is in the evening.
The United States a university health center research pointed out: human activities are affected by the" biological clock" control, within 24 hours in a day, people's physical highs and lows has certain regularity, and physical play to the highest point of the time, mostly in the evening, during this period of time, human body response sensitivity and adaptation ability to have reached a peak, heart rate and blood pressure rise rate of the most stable, during this period of time to exercise, cause rapid heartbeat and blood pressure rise rate is low, is beneficial to health. Research is also considered, movement in the evening from the sleep time is short, the fatigue can make fast asleep.
In addition, the evening exercise is more suitable for mental workers after a day of mental work, a lot of things exist in the mind, such as in half an hour after dinner to choose a quiet place, Shujin show waist, relax, which can make the thinking and fresh, but also can improve the sleep state, can shoot two hawks with one arrow.

关于锻炼的英语短文要点:1,锻炼身体的好处:strong,healthy,energetic,.2,锻炼身体的方式:ball game,running,swiming,.3,请你谈谈对学校开展体育锻炼的看法或建议.(至少两点)要求:1,内容必须包括 用英语写一篇80词左右的短文.要点:1锻炼身体的好处,每天参加锻炼可以增强体质,保持健康和活力;2锻炼身体的方式,打球.跑步.游泳等;如打羽毛球对视力有好处,游泳有利于保持好的身材;3请谈 关于l like exercising的英语小短文.提示:1锻炼身体能使人健康2我每天锻炼半个小时左右3我跑步,游泳,打 关于每天锻炼一小时,让我们健康、富有和聪明的英语作文,80词左右.要点:1.锻炼身体的好处:healthy,strong...2.锻炼身体的方式:outdoor activities:ball games,running,swimming...3.请你谈谈对学校开展体 请根据要点写篇英语短文,用第一人称写作,80词左右.要点 1每天坚持锻炼相当健康饮食习惯相当好 写英语短文.用第一人称写作,80词左右.要点:1.每天锻炼,相当健康,饮食习惯相当好,每天吃蔬菜,一周吃十至十次. 2.垃圾食品,尽量一周只吃一次,每天晚上睡七个小时. 3.吃有营养的食品 关于锻炼的短语 英语 合理饮食,锻炼身体,保证睡眠,不要熬夜的英语作文.假定你是李华,你的笔友Jane最近总是感觉身体不适,因此写信向你询问如何保持健康.请你根据以下要点提示用英语给她回信1合理饮食2锻炼身 求关于英语学习方法的英文短文可包括培养兴趣良好习惯勤能补拙自信等要点 求一篇关于锻炼身体的英语作文,急... 关于锻炼身体有哪些好处的文章要求写心得或体会,其实文章题目叫:我锻炼 我快乐 写一篇关于如何科学锻炼的短文 求简单的英文小短文关于健康的重要性或者是锻炼身体的重要性 锻炼身体的好处英语作文 锻炼身体的英语词组take ---------- 英语作文:Doing exercise is a good way to keep healhty写一篇70词左右的英语短文内容要点如下:1:体育锻炼的重要性2:你多久时间进行一次锻炼?3:你喜欢从事哪些锻炼运动?为什么? 关于英语作文锻炼的好处 关于健康的英语作文.要求1注意饮食 2适当锻炼 3养成好的生活习惯