英文鬼故事 求翻译万圣节就要到了,有“鬼”出没,作者便写了这样一篇鬼故事,故事的灵感是来自女儿的啦啦队,拉拉队在附近的一个高中旁有一个诊所.学校很旧还有点阴深深的,姑娘们开始讲

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/16 21:47:32

英文鬼故事 求翻译
Lacey Delgado walked down the long dark hall leading to the locker room bathrooms. Something about the chill of the hall and the odd echo of her footsteps gave her the creeps, even though she could still hear her teammates working on their cheers in the gym behind her. The hall seemed to go on and on, and the burned out lights and dark windows in the doors to the abandoned classrooms definetely made her nervous. Twice she swore she could hear a slight scuffle behind her, but when she turned
