
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 16:42:09


Magnetotelluric method ( MT ) is a widely used geophysical method. This method is the natural alternating electromagnetic field produced by natural source on the ground were observed, this source has regional and even global distribution, and thus to study the underground rock geoelectric characteristics and distribution characteristics of an effective exploration method. Now it has been widely used in petroleum, natural gas, geothermal exploration; monitoring deep underground rock resistivity changes in the fields.Magnetotelluric method has the following advantages: saving power supply equipment, has a wealth of spectrum, exploration depth, can penetrate the high resistivity layer, equivalent small range of action. In addition, as a result of magnetotelluric method by making use of the electromagnetic field is nearly perpendicular to the ground incident electromagnetic plane wave, the electromagnetic wave is perpendicular to the ground after transmission, the current line horizontal. So the electric field distribution of longitudinal and lateral resistivity resistivity is not, i.e. the strata and the non isotropic effect relationship is not, therefore the magnetotelluric method relates to each layer resistivity is actually in each layer of the longitudinal resistivity.According to the Yunfu region of Guangdong magnetotelluric data as the basis, through the SSMT2000, MT-EDITOR, EH4and static correction for a small program for data processing ( SSMT2000 and MT-EDITOR data editing data to establish a smooth apparent resistivity curve, and edited data is converted to the standard EDI format ), the application of EMAGE-2D software the one-dimensional, two-dimensional inversion. The final analysis of one-dimensional, two-dimensional area measured data profiles obtained by sensing area geophysical data, then the region geological interpretation.

英语翻译大地电磁法(MT)是一种应用广泛的地球物理方法.此方法是对天然交变电磁场产生的天然场源在地面上进行观测,这种场源具有区域性乃至全球性的分布特征,从而来研究地下岩层的 框架结构是应用最广泛的一种结构,它的优点是材料(),强度(). 英语翻译近些年来GPS在大地测量和变形监测中应用日益广泛,GPS所测的高程为大地高程.但是我国应用的高程系统是基于似大地水准面的正常高程系统.由于大地高程面和似大地水准面不平行,产 请问大地活动隔断的应用广泛吗? 1969年提出音频大地电磁法(AMT)的Berdichevski是哪的人?其名字怎么发音? ( )能是当今世界上应用最广泛的能源 铁是生产生活中应用最广泛的一种金属材料.酸菜等于多少 电磁继电器用什么控制电路电磁继电器是利用( )控制电路的一种开关 英语翻译本设计是单管程固定管板式换热器,是目前应用最为广泛的换热器.作为一种通用的传热工艺设备,换热器在动力、化工、是由、冶金、核能、食品等各工业部门有着广泛的应用.尤其在 半导体材料结构应用最为广泛的是 英语翻译电力负荷预测是电力企业规划部门的重要工作之一,准确的负荷预测是现代电力系统规划以及经济、安全运行的关键要求.灰色预测是近年来应用比较广泛的一种预测方法.基本灰色预 铁是一种应用广泛的金属,下列关于铁的说法中,正确的是( )铁是一种应用广泛的金属,下列关于铁的说法中,正确的是( )A.铁不是唯一能被磁铁吸引的金属 B.铁与盐酸反应生成氯化铁和氢 甲烷是天然气的主要成分,是生产生活中应用非常广泛的一种化学物质.一定条件下,甲烷是天然气的主要成分,是生产生活中应用非常广泛的一种化学物质.(1)一定条件下,用甲烷可以消除氮氧 翻译:发动机作为一种动力源拥有广泛的应用. 文言文是_________________的文章,是我们日常生活中广泛应用的一种文体.横线处填写形容词. 小苏打(NaHCO3)是食品工业中一种应用最广泛的疏松剂.资料显示,NaHCO3在潮湿的8.苏打(NaHCO3)是食品工业中一种应用最广泛的疏松剂.资料显示,NaHCO3在潮湿的空气中会缓慢分解成Na2CO3、H2O和CO2. 铝是一种应用广泛的活泼金属,与其他金属比较在化学性质上有什么特性 目前最成功、应用最广泛的一种控制爆破方法是什么?目前最成功、应用最广泛的一种控制爆破方法是A减震爆破 B缓冲爆破 C预裂爆破?