
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/04/29 18:38:44


Yale 耶鲁 古英国 来自边陲地带.
Yehudi 耶呼弟 希伯来 膜拜上帝的人.
York 约克 英国 养野猪的人.
Yves 依夫 法国 法律的守护神.
Yedda 耶达 英国 天生有歌唱的才华.
Yetta 依耶塔 英国 慷慨之捐赠者.
Yvette 依耶芙特 法国 射手或弓箭手.
Yvonne 伊芳 法国 射手.


yale 耶鲁

1 Yale English boy From the slope land.
2 Yardley English boy From the enclosed meadow.
3 Yardly English boy From the enclosed meadow.
4 Yates English boy Lives by the gates.
5 Yedda E...


1 Yale English boy From the slope land.
2 Yardley English boy From the enclosed meadow.
3 Yardly English boy From the enclosed meadow.
4 Yates English boy Lives by the gates.
5 Yedda English girl Beautiful voice.
6 Yeoman English boy Retainer.
7 Yetta English girl Generous.
8 Yoman English boy Retainer.
9 York English boy From the bear estate.
10 Yul English boy Born at Christmas.
11 Yule English boy Born at Christmas.
