Error using ==> ga Too many input arguments.Error in ==> GABPNET at 22Error using ==> gaToo many input arguments.Error in ==> GABPNET at 22[x,endPop,bPop,trace]=ga('gabpEval',aa,[],initPpp,[1e-6 1 1],'maxGenTerm',gen,...哥们,似乎你也遇过同

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/26 01:53:27

Error using ==> ga Too many input arguments.Error in ==> GABPNET at 22
Error using ==> ga
Too many input arguments.
Error in ==> GABPNET at 22
[x,endPop,bPop,trace]=ga('gabpEval',aa,[],initPpp,[1e-6 1 1],'maxGenTerm',gen,...

从你贴的这段看不出来啥,但是应该是有个参数设的不对了,建议help ga,

Error using ==> ga Too many input arguments.Error in ==> GABPNET at 22Error using ==> gaToo many input arguments.Error in ==> GABPNET at 22[x,endPop,bPop,trace]=ga('gabpEval',aa,[],initPpp,[1e-6 1 1],'maxGenTerm',gen,...哥们,似乎你也遇过同 Error using * Too many input arguments.Error using * Too many input arguments.Error in liziqun5 (line 91) V{:,:,t}=W{:,1,t-1}*V{:,:,t-1}+c1*rand*(pBest{:,:,t-1}-P{:,:,t-1})+c2*rand*(gBest{:,:,t-1}-P{:,:,t-1}); 这是粒子群算法更新速度的公 这matlab语句哪里错了?>> t=1:0.01:4;>> y=25*t^2-120*t+144;? Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square. matlab编程问题?Error using ==> mtimes Inner matrix dimensions must agree.t=0:0.01:10;x=2*t; y=1-exp(-0.5*t)*cos(x); Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.只要cos里面是2*t就会有这问题,如果仅仅是2就没问题.为 matlab问题!Error using ==>matlab问题!>> clear all>> t=-1:0.02:1;>> g=t*t;Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.这什么回事我初学者,照着书打的代码出这种问题,所用符号都是半角的, matlab Error using ==> sym.mpowerError using ==> sym.mpowerMatrix must be square.我没用什么矩阵饿? matlab语句找错a=0.1;b=0.5;t=-10:0.01:10;y=sin(t)^2*exp(-a*t)-b*abs(t);这个语句运行为什么有错误呢?Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square. x=4*sin(2*pi*0.01*t).*sin(2*pi*3*t)+2*cos(pi*t*t/4);在matlab中怎样表达运行出现错误:Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree. 我的matlab程序哪里错了? t=0:0.01:2*pi x=cos(t)^3 y=sin(t)^3 plot(x,y) 总是显示? Error using ==> 在Matlab里,我的t=0:0.005:1; sig=80*sin(10*pi*t)*sin(60*pi*t);运行不了Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.此为系统提示,为什么 matlab7中 运行错误matlab7中 >> t=0:pi/150:3*pi; >> y1=cos(t)*exp(-t); 为什么一运行就提示 Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree. Error using ==> rgb2gray>parse_inputs MAP must be a m x 3 array. matlab求导问题x=0:0.1:1;y=[-.447 1.978 3.11 5.25 5.02 4.66 4.01 4.58 3.45 5.35 9.22];p=polyfit(x,y,5)f=poly2str(p,'t');disp(f)d1=diff(f)Error using ==> sym.sym>expression2ref at 2408Error:Unexpected 'identifier' [line 1,col 9]Error in ==> sym.sym matlab中polar函数有关的问题>>t=0:.01:2*pi; %极坐标的角度.figurepolar(t,4.0);Error using ==> polarTHETA and RHO must be the same size.这是为什么 t=0:pi/100:10*pi; x=2*(cos(t)+t*sin(t)); y=2*(sin(t)-t*cos(t)); z=1.5*t; plot3(x,y,z)这个程序如何修改?老是提示Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree. 关于matlab 绘制t与R之间的关系?dt=0:0.01:1;R=exp((0.2-0.3 ^2/2)* dt +0.3 * sqrt(dt) * randn(100,100)); plot(R);Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree. 如何用matlab画出y=exp(-5/2*t)*(cosh(3/2*t)-1/3*sinh(3/2*t))的图形?用程序 t=0:1:10;>> y=exp(-5/2*t)*(cosh(3/2*t)-1/3*sinh(3/2*t));Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.这该怎么解决? matlab ? Error using ==> mpower Matri>> x=linspace(-2,2,100);>> y=(x^2)*sin(x^2-x-2);plot(x,y)? Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square.这个要怎么改?