20页, 答案急需,求求求求,谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢. 高积分奖励!

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/05/31 04:54:43

20页, 答案急需,求求求求,谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢. 高积分奖励!


2.were on the flower now they are on the tree


2 was on the Pond,now it is on the tree 3 was on the pond now it is on the rock 4was on the tree now it is behind the cloud 5 were on the grass.now they are on the pond