
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/03 03:30:19


Prevention and treatment of drug is a special commodity, is directly related to the broad masses of the people s health and life safety, so that the pharmaceutical industry is related to people's livelihood. In recent years the pharmaceutical industry with high speed development of Chinese medicine, the average annual growth rate of around 16.6%, the world medical industry also at high speed, sustained and steady development . 80 time begin to decline, arrived 90 time maintained 8 ~ 10% of the speed of development, from 1951 to 1980 29 years, world medicine total production value increases from $2900000000 to $77300000000, increased 25.9 times, the United States, Japan, Federal Republic of Germany of the pharmaceutical industry development speed are higher than their entire industry average velocity and chemical industry speed. It should be pointed out particularly that, in 70 time, because of the two world energy crisis, the world of appearance the economic depression, many Western nations industrial development slowed, or even negative growth, and the pharmaceutical industry in steady development. The reason is that the quality of life people have become increasingly demanding, the concept of health is becoming mainstream, medicine became an indispensable commodity.

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