
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/04 19:17:33


英[seif] 美[sef 形容词 adj. 1.安全的; 不会有危险的; 不受威胁的; 受保护的 The building was locked, and all of us within felt safe.大楼被锁上了, 我们在里面感到安全. 2.没有受到损害的; 平安的 We all wished him a safe journey.我们都祝他一路平安.The car crashed but he was safe.汽车撞毁了, 但他却安然无恙. 3.不致导致损害[损伤, 损失]的 It is safe to cross the river in this boat.坐这艘船过河很安全. 4.不冒险的, 小心的 The teacher appointed a safe student as monitor of our class.老师任命了一个谨小慎微的学生担任我们的班长. 名词n. 1.保险箱, 保险柜 A worker put metal bands around the safe.一名工人用金属箍箍那保险箱.