
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 18:43:35


你好,原创翻译如下:1我担心别人的反应.I am worried about the reactions from others.
2.我担心我所说的不合情理、I`m worried about what I said is unreasonable.
3.你可以从其他角度看这个话题.You can see this topic from other perspectives.
4.预测别人会说什么是最难的.Predicting what others will say is the hardest.
5.希望你给我提些节约能源的建议.I hope you can give me some advice on the saving of energy.
6.根据我的经验,我们应把重点放在农村.We should lay stress on the countryside according to my experience.
7.就我而言,把价格降低10%是个好主意.In my opinion,it is a good idea to decrease the price by 10 percent.
8.我希望你能今早解决这个问题,因为它是在烦人.I hope you can solve this problem in the morning because it is very troublesome.
9.我希望你能认真考虑加薪.I wish you can consider increasing the salaries carefully.
10.所有部门的负责人包括大多数的员工都会到那里.The principals as well as most of the employees from all depts will arrive there.
11.我一时想不到其他事了,你让我放心,谢谢.Thanks for making me relieved when I couldn`t think about anything else.
12.我统一i的观点,但我认为我们产品的价格有点贵.I agree with I...but I think the prices of our products are a little high.
13.你的建议真值得考虑.Your advice is worth considering.
14.照我看来,如果我们想扩大市场,现在就可以做.In my opinion,we can do it right now if we want to enlarge our markets.满意请速速采纳,谢谢合作!

1 I'm worried about the responses from other people.
2. I'm worried about what I said doesn't make sense,
3. You can from the other perspective this topic.
4. Predict someone will say what...


1 I'm worried about the responses from other people.
2. I'm worried about what I said doesn't make sense,
3. You can from the other perspective this topic.
4. Predict someone will say what is the hardest.
5. I hope you give me some energy saving advice.
6. According to my experience, we should focus on rural areas.
7. As far as I'm concerned, to lower the price by 10% is a good idea.
8. I hope you can solve this problem, this morning because it is annoying.
9. I hope you will seriously consider a raise.
10. All department head include most of the staff will be there.
11. I can other things, you let me rest assured, thank you.
12. I unified point of view, but I think our product's price is a bit expensive.
13. Your suggestion is worth considering.
14. In my opinion, if we want to expand the market,
