
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/02 15:44:56


To the early 20th century, the world has been basically eliminated slavery. Slavery was used as a human system, which exists at a reasonable side of it? Economists have studied the system of slavery is the origin of the system, development and demise of a good sample.
Why slavery was finally abolished? This is because as the economic development and social changes, increasing the cost of protection of slavery, that is, increasing the cost of the system. As in the American South, has long been a synonym for slave is black. Most free people do not have to worry that whites will become a slave, because the different color, slaves are black;Even if the slaves escape, and very easy figuring, capture. However, as free blacks, more and more difficult to distinguish between press freedom and the slaves skin color. The result that the cost of protecting slavery charges increase, net income decreased correspondingly. It can be seen from the rise and fall of slavery, any system, if its running costs are too high, after all, is not long exist. If Barzel said, if a private requires the State to protect their particular behavior, the cost of protection is more than the value of private thus be, then the state will prohibit such behavior.
Slavery may not be a good system, but once an efficient system. Fogel in his "hard times: American slaves Economics," a book made, setting aside the immorality of serfdom factors, only from an economic perspective point of view, serfdom for the development of the antebellum South, the economy is a very effective institutional factors.Because the measurement results showed that:
1, far south, the purchase of serfs the benefits of investment much higher than the rate of return to invest in the manufacturing sector;
2, Southern plantation economies of scale, effective management and labor and capital large number of inputs, making the south than the north crop production efficiency of 35%;
3, and engaged in farming compared with whites, black slaves are more diligent, more productive;
4, the southern city of slave labor in the industrial production of hard work and efficiency, not inferior to those freedmen. Growth in demand for slaves in urban areas than in rural areas the fact that serfdom and industrialization can co-exist in harmony.
5, the slaves of the material living conditions and treatment is not as bad as people think, slave life, 90% of the production of all to himself.
6, the antebellum South, the economy did not decline, but the rapid growth of per capita income growth rate of the South is much higher than the north. Mark. Borlaug that this "may be the most controversial ever in American history books."
Therefore, no matter how the evaluation of slavery today, but with a rational perspective to analyze the emergence of slavery, development and demise of the process and find a good source for the human system is of great significance.

英语翻译到20世纪初,全世界已基本消灭了奴隶制.奴隶制作为人类曾经使用过的一种制度,它的存在有合理性的一面吗?奴隶制是制度经济学家们研究制度的起源、发展及灭亡的一个好样本.奴隶 13世纪初到14世纪中期英国社会政治基本特点 从18世纪中期到20世纪50年代社会主义运动发展的基本趋势 英文翻译 :国际贸易自20世纪20~30年代萌芽、40~50年代创立到现在,已经历了将近一个世纪 _____世纪时大和统一了日本,____年穆罕默德病逝时,阿拉伯半岛已基本统一 在近代历史上日本上是一个迅速崛起的国家,19世纪中期还是一个半殖民地半封建国家,到20世纪初20年代已成 20世纪初全世界共有哺乳类和鸟类动物约1300种.20世纪初全世界共有哺乳类和鸟类动物约1300种,由于环境因素的影响,到20世纪末这两类动物总数共灭绝约1.9%,其中哺乳类动物灭绝0.3%,鸟类动物灭 英语翻译9.我要价值5000美元的珠宝 10.到上个期末为止,我们已经学了3000词汇11.到20世纪60年代后期,他们的音乐已经完全改变了12.去年我有过一次有趣的经历13.除了星期四之外,我每天都在爬山1 20世纪十大技术失误悲剧在全世界范围内 20世纪全世界前10位最伟大科学家 到21世纪初,人类发现和合成的物质已超过多少万种? 英语翻译20世纪80年代以来,吸毒在全世界日趋泛滥,毒品走私日益严重.毒品的泛滥直接危害人民的身心健康,并给经济发展和社会进步带来巨大威胁.日趋严重的毒品问题已成为全球性的灾难,世 1500年到20世纪期间的重大历史事件及其影响自1500年起,人类开始走出分散状态,到20世纪初世界已连成一个整体.叙述这一过程中的重大历史事件及其影响 英语翻译现在是一个科学技术飞速发展、知识更替日新月异的世纪.计算机已深入到各个领域,并且形成了功能强大、覆盖全球的信息传输网络.各个领域都向系统化、规范化、自动化的方向发 英语翻译:即使全世界背叛了你, 到20世纪末,人类发现和合成的物质已超过了3000万种,但组成这些物质的基本元素有多少种 18 - 20 世纪欧洲浪漫主义文学有哪些?雨果这货的基本都看了. 为什么20世纪到21世纪是人类文明发展最快的一个世纪?是人类头脑越来越聪明了吗?