英语报主题find your passion:寻找你的激情,内容不知道怎么写才好,但画的我已经画好了

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英语报主题find your passion:寻找你的激情,内容不知道怎么写才好,但画的我已经画好了

Your passion is the reason you wake up in the morning,and just the thought of it can keep you up late with excitement.But not everyone knows exactly what his passion is right away.Don't worry -- whether you're looking for your passion to find a new career,or if you're looking to get completely immersed in a new hobby or activity,there are a number of things you can do to find your passion.
Method 1 of 3:Brainstorm
1---Think about what you love to do.To find your passion,you should first take a look at your own life and see if you're already doing something that you love -- but just not doing it very often.Figuring out what you really love to do and channeling it in a productive way that turns it into a passion can help you explore your heart's desires.Here are some of the things you should ask yourself when you brainstorm what you love to do:
What are my goals?
What do i do most of the time?
What do I keep on trying to do?
If I could do one thing for the rest of my life,what would it be?
What do I love to do?
What would I do,even if I didn't get paid
2---Think about what you've always dreamed of doing.This is different from making a list of all of the things that make you happy.Here,you'll have to write down all of those things you've always dreamed about,but haven't done because you don't have the time,the money,or because they're impractical or even slightly scary.Here are the questions you should ask yourself as you brainstorm what you've always dreamed of doing:
What is the one thing I have always dreamed about,but never got to do?
What did I want to do when I was a child?
Do I have an impractical dream that I once abandoned?
Is there something I've been afraid to try because it takes me out of my comfort zone?
Is there something I've been wanting to do but haven't done because of financial fears?
Is there something I've always wanted to do but haven't tried because I've been afraid I'd fail or just not be very good at it?
Is there something that someone I know does that thrills me?
3----Create a game plan.Once you've written down the answers to your questions,you may have a better idea of the type of things that already interest you or the things that you've always wanted to try.Now that you have a bit more information,you can create a plan for finding your passion.Here are some things you can decide to do:
Make a goal of trying at least five things on your list.Plug them into your calendar.Make a plan for actually doing these things as soon as you can,even that means within a year,if the activities are more complicated,like traveling to a foreign country.
Make a goal of trying a few completely new things that take you out of your comfort zone.They don't have to be on your list -- you can just try a few more things that pique your interest,even if you haven't necessarily always dreamed of doing them or tried them before.
Prioritize your potential passions.Decide which things you'd like to try first.You can try the ones that sound most intriguing first,or you can try the most practical ones first.