高中英语多义词比如take keep 组成多种意思的词语 太少不行 选了之后追加分 最好是现成的 金额一多追加分 越多约好!

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比如take keep 组成多种意思的词语 太少不行 选了之后追加分 最好是现成的 金额一多追加分 越多约好!

take sth.seriously 认真对待某事
take sth.into consideration 考虑某事
take sth.lying down承认失败
take a(one's)seat 就座,坐下
take a look at 看一下
take a photograph (of)照一张(…的)相
take aim 瞄准
take an action 采取行动
take an interest in 对……感兴趣
take along 随身带着
take away拿走,拿开,使离开
take back 收回,让退(货)
take…by surprise 使…吃惊,出奇兵攻占
take care 注意,当心
take care of 照顾,负责
take charge of 负责
take exercise 做运动
take…for granted 视为当然,想必是
take hold of 抓住,握住
take in 订阅,使上当,收留,吸收
take…in one's arm (拥)抱
take it easy 别紧张,放松些
take note(notice)of 注意,理会
take notes 记录,作笔记
take off 脱掉,起飞,减(去)掉
take (a day)off休假(一天)
take office 就职,上任
take on 雇用,招收,具有(……的意思)
take on a new look呈现一片新面貌
take one's defeat(things)lying down甘心失败
take (an active) part in(积极)参加
take one's place 就座,代替某人的职务
take place 发生,举行
take the place of 代替,取代
take possession of 占有,拥有
take pride in 为……感到骄傲
take turns ( to do…)轮流 (做)
take up 开始学习,开始(某活动,空间)
take up arms 拿起武器
Keep (v.)
keep a promise 遵守诺言
keep a secret 守秘密
keep watch 注意,警惕,提防
keep back 扣下,隐瞒,忍住(眼泪)
keep body and soul together 维持生活
keep / bear in mind记住,想着
keep off 避开,挡住,不接近
keep one's balance 保持平衡
keep on doing继续(干)
keep out 遮挡,使不入内
keep silence 保持沉默(安静)
keep sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事
keep up 保持,维持,继续(某活动)
keep up with 跟上,及时了解(情况)

glimpse, look, sight, view?这组词都有“看,瞥见”的意思。
glance 指看一下或瞥一眼(有意识的)。?
His glance silenced the audience, and he began to speak.他环视了一下,听众都不说话了,他便开始讲话。
glimpse 一般指看一眼或一瞥(无意识的)。?


glimpse, look, sight, view?这组词都有“看,瞥见”的意思。
glance 指看一下或瞥一眼(有意识的)。?
His glance silenced the audience, and he began to speak.他环视了一下,听众都不说话了,他便开始讲话。
glimpse 一般指看一眼或一瞥(无意识的)。?
She caught a glimpse of her friend in the supermarket.她在超级市场里瞥见了她的朋友。?
look 一般用语,表示直接用眼睛看。?
Her intent look showed how much she had missed her sister.她的专心的目光说明她是多么想念她的姐姐。
sight 此词与视力和视觉有关,意指察看或视野。?
She has lost sight of her dog.她看不见那条狗了。?
view 常指视野,视域景色和眼界。?
The tower commands a good view of the beautiful city.从这个塔上可以清楚地看到这座美丽城市的景色。
huge, enormous, immense, giant, gigantic, vast?这组词均含有“很大的”的意思。
huge 指体积和数量大得超过一定的标准,可用来形容物体,距离,程度和声音等。?
They spent a huge amount of money on that villa.他们花巨款买下了那幢别墅。?
The dinosaurs were enormous animals which lived on the earth long ago.恐龙是很久以前生存在地球上的巨型动物。?
giant 常指身体,体积,或力量的巨大。?
They took giant strides forward.他们大踏步前进。?
gigantic 多用于夸张手法,强调某种事物程度的巨大、重大或极为严重,常用于隐喻。?
The economy of the country has taken a gigantic leap forward.这个国家的经济有很大的飞跃。
immense 有大到不能计算的意味,常用于形容空间,也可形容程度。?
This book was about the early explorers who got lost in the immense Atlantic.这本书讲的是迷失在浩瀚大西洋中的早期探险家的故事。?
vast 着重指面积极为开阔,用作比喻时指阅历广、花费大等。?
The lion used to live in vast areas of Africa.狮子过去生活在非洲广袤的地区。
flaw, defect, fault, mistake, error?这组词都表示“错误,缺陷”。?
flaw 原意为“裂缝,裂隙”,引申为“缺点,漏洞,瑕疵”,表示存在的或出现的某种破坏了完好统一体的因素,强调对完美性或有效性的损害。?
defect 意思是“欠缺,不足”,指缺乏达到完善或发挥效用所需要的东西,也常指一般的缺陷。?
fault 意思是“缺点,毛病;错误,过错,责任”,一般指性格上的弱点或行为上的过失及责任。?
mistake 指由于认识上的缺点而无心犯下的错误。?
error 常指违反一定标准而犯的错误。mistake和error虽然常常通用,但在习惯搭配中不能互换。如:
I can’t detect any flaw in his ingenious theory.在他的精妙理论中我找不到任何漏洞。?
No one is without defects.人无完人。?
She always finds fault with me.她总挑我的毛病。?
I took her gloves by mistake.我错拿了她的手套。?
Every man is liable to err.人人都难免犯错误。??
?freedom, liberty?这组词均含有“自由”的意思。?
liberty 侧重于从所受的压制或压迫下解放出来。如:?
In some countries, there is no freedom of the press.在一些国家里没有新闻自由。?
All the prisoners in the concentration camp wanted their liberty.集中营里所有囚犯都想得到自由。
