
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/04 01:53:31


We could be said as the privilege class nowadays. However, there is lots of situations hidden away from us, and we might not even notice it. We do not feel unique drinking, eating, buying the things we like, but actually we should feel treasured. Our same age, older, or even younger, have problems that we do not maybe, ever face in our commonly lives. Unfortunately, these problems are happening too often. Talking about the younger ones, they go to school with extrememe situations, there are no desks nor chairs that allow a student to learn i a good environment, but they are still so diligent. Wouldn't it be grear if we, the people who have the abilty to help, buy chairs so that the environment could be a little satisfied?
People work hard and have went over different challenges which made them tierd, and now they go to the home for the eldery. They would love to spend there time happily, with times where their children come and visit. However, can you understand there hurt feelings when the children didn't come? Well I think we could go and make them have a jubilant mood all the time, visit them even if there children don't.
We have the things we wished too have, but there are lots of people who dont. But they actually want it too! So, we could help and give them those things by giving ours to the charity.
Lots of people need help, and we are the ones who help them, and save there lonely heart.

要求如下.急,为了了解同学们寒假期间的社会实践情况,并互相交流实践感受,你班计划以此为主题开一次班会,假设你是你们寒假志愿者活动小组的组长,需要作为代表在班会上发言,请你根据以 【急】寒假期间的地理新闻求这个寒假期间的新闻,并以地理的角度简要分析 雨季期间某班同学到水库去了解汛情,现水库水位已经超过安全线,上游河水仍以相同的速度流入水库,同学们经过同学们经过一天的观察做了如下记录:上午打开一个泄洪闸,2小时水位继续上 寒假期间10跳国内外重大新闻,要求标题下要有该新闻的解释说明; 六年级的一篇英语作文.Winter Holiday(要简单)急!题目要求——同学们:寒假快到了,你和你的同学打算怎样度过呢?请写几个句子.不少于4个句子. 同学们为了春游的目的地争论得十分热烈怎么改病句急.急.急 寒假期间同学们参加义务劳动男生人数占百分之45女生有33人参加义务劳动的一共有多少人 英语短文写作假如你叫李华,是一名高一新生,为了帮助同学们互相了解,培养友谊,在英语口语课堂上,英语老师要求同学们轮流做自我介绍,请根据以下要求写一篇自我介绍.简要介绍一下自己说 用英语写同学的寒假生活急求 如下内容写一篇英语作文(急~作文:李老师想了解班里同学的状况,请你根据下面的内容要求,给老师写一封信,说明自己的情况,字数在80词左右.内容药店:1:学习任务重,睡眠不足,缺少体育 2011寒假期间发生的国家大事 为了了解酵母菌的生命活动特点,小明设计了如下实验 为了了解某型号汽车的耗油量,汽车生产厂家做了如下实验 某校七年级(1)班为了了解同学们一天零花钱的消费情况,对本班同学开展了调查,将同 寒假期间国内外重要新闻各十五条,急 英语作文 我的寒假生活要求:自己一天的生活安排;寒假期间和家人的生活;要写出具体的时间 钢笔书法活动应该举行什么一手漂亮的钢笔字能让人赏心悦目.写好钢笔字既是语文课的教学要求,也是同学们学习和生活的需要.为了帮助同学们了解写钢笔字的知识,提高写钢笔字的水平,班 急某同学想了解5角硬币是用什么材料制成的,进行了如下实验:5角硬币 体积(立方厘米) 质量(克) 密度(克急某同学想了解5角硬币是用什么材料制成的,进行了如下实验:5角硬币 体积(立方