
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/05/15 01:28:04


排骨海带豆腐汤 spare rib soup boiled with seaweeds and tofu
瘦肉山药木耳 Fried lean meat with Chinese yam and agarics
西兰花炒桃仁 Quick-fried broccoli with a sprinkle of walnut
绿豆薏仁鸭汤 Slow-boiled duck soup flavored with mung beans and adlay
芋头粉蒸排骨 Spare ribs dipped in rice powder and steamed with yam
娃娃菜杂菇煲 Mixed mushrooms and baby cabbages stewed in clay pot
百合炒南瓜 Pumpkin fried with lily bulbs
虾米炒苦瓜 Quick-fried bitter gourd with a touch of dried shrimps
姜汁豇豆 Cowpeas flavored with ginger juice
蒜泥茄子 Pounded garlic on eggplants
菠菜粉丝 Spinach mixed with vermicelli cold dish

West the spareribs kelp bean curd
soup lean meat Chinese yam
auricularia auricula the orchid fries the peach kernel
mung bean lotus flower seed pod kind duck soup
sweet potato to s...


West the spareribs kelp bean curd
soup lean meat Chinese yam
auricularia auricula the orchid fries the peach kernel
mung bean lotus flower seed pod kind duck soup
sweet potato to steam with rice flour the spareribs
baby vegetable mixed mushroom bao
lily to fry the pumpkin
sun-dried shelled shrimp to fry the balsam pear
ginger juice cowpea
crushed garlic eggplant
spinach bean or sweet potato starch noodles



排骨海带豆腐汤 ibs tofu seaweed soup
瘦肉山药木耳 Lean meat yam fungus
西兰花炒桃仁 Broccoli speculation Taoren
芋头粉蒸排骨 Mung bean Adlay duck soup


硬性翻译 就是糟蹋菜名


排骨海带豆腐汤 Seaweed Tofu with rib soup
瘦肉山药木耳 Black fungus and Gobo with lean meat
西兰花炒桃仁 Broccoli fried walnut.
绿豆薏仁鸭汤 Green bean ...


排骨海带豆腐汤 Seaweed Tofu with rib soup
瘦肉山药木耳 Black fungus and Gobo with lean meat
西兰花炒桃仁 Broccoli fried walnut.
绿豆薏仁鸭汤 Green bean with Job's tears seed in duck soup
芋头粉蒸排骨 Steamed rice powdered ribs with taro
娃娃菜杂菇煲 Mushrooms with baby cabbage
百合炒南瓜 Waterlily fried pumpkin
虾米炒苦瓜 Dried shrimp fried bitter melon
姜汁豇豆 Ginger sauce with beans
蒜泥茄子 Mushed galic with eggplant
菠菜粉丝 Spinach rice noodle
Gobo 牛蒡,北美就是这样翻的山药 -_-')
Job's tears 就是薏仁的植物原形,薏仁是里面的种子
Taro 是芋头,,
Dried shrimp就是晒干了的虾子


Ribs tofu seaweed soup
Lean meat yam fungus
Broccoli speculation Taoren
Mung bean Adlay duck soup
Taro Fenzheng ribs
baby food miscellaneous mushroom pot
Lily fried pumpkin
shrimp fried bitter gourd
ginger juice cowpea
Garlic Puree eggplant
spinach fans

West spareribs kelp bean curd soup lean meat Chinese yam auricularia auricula the orchid fries peach kernel mung bean lotus flower seed pod kind duck soup the sweet potato to steam with rice flour spa...


West spareribs kelp bean curd soup lean meat Chinese yam auricularia auricula the orchid fries peach kernel mung bean lotus flower seed pod kind duck soup the sweet potato to steam with rice flour spareribs baby vegetable mixed mushroom hot pot the lily to fry pumpkin the sun-dried shelled shrimp to fry balsam pear ginger juice cowpea crushed garlic eggplant the spinach bean or sweet potato starch noodles


Ribs tofu seaweed soup
Lean meat yam fungus
Broccoli speculation Taoren
Mung bean Adlay duck soup
Taro Fenzheng ribs
Miscellaneous mushroom dishes dolls burning
Lily fried pumpkin
Shrimp fried bitter gourd
Ginger cowpea
Garlic Puree eggplant
Spinach fans

英语翻译排骨海带豆腐汤瘦肉山药木耳西兰花炒桃仁绿豆薏仁鸭汤芋头粉蒸排骨娃娃菜杂菇煲百合炒南瓜虾米炒苦瓜姜汁豇豆蒜泥茄子菠菜粉丝 山药排骨汤选择什么样的山药比较好? 英语翻译炒”“碗”“鸡翅”“排骨”“鱿鱼”“白菜”“海鲜”“茄子”“山药”“萝卜”“花生”“虾”“木耳”“豆角”“辣椒”“芸豆”“蒸”“海蜇”“核桃”“猪肉”“猪头” 英语翻译白油豆腐 麻婆豆腐 白油冬瓜 萝卜烧牛腩 木耳肉片 绿豆粥 花菜腊肉 豉汁蒸藏鱼 椒麻带鱼 泡椒时蔬菜 鸡汁时蔬 蒜茸时蔬 上汤大白菜 炝炒莲白 海带排骨汤 特色凉菜:土豆沙拉、冰爽凉瓜、沙棘芦荟、龙豆、芥末木耳、口蘑沙拉、水果沙拉、爽口萝卜、桂花山药、酱鹅头、葱油西兰花、红豆玉米、蔬菜鸡肉沙拉、泡椒凤爪、鲜笋沙拉、野苦菜 英语翻译爆炒甘蓝小葱炒粉 海米西荷山林小炒椒菜四季豆农家小豆腐木耳西兰花酱炒鸡蛋素炒菌王香辣肉筋水煮肉片鱼香肉丝麻婆豆腐干煸鱿鱼香辣牛肉宫爆鸡丁火爆腰花回锅猪心歌乐山辣 下面的菜品用英语怎么说?桂花山药,葱香牛柳,杭椒滑牛柳,特色小豆腐,肉末炒木耳,十里飘香鸡,草菇时蔬,鲮鱼油麦菜 味精调味下列哪些不适合多用味精来调味?为什么?醋拌黄瓜 姜汁松花蛋 海带炖排骨 红烧豆腐 清炒小白菜 我想煲排骨汤,可以同时放入冬瓜海带莲藕一起煲吗? 排骨炖海带怎么做,是最后放海带吗 豆腐.黄瓜.鸡蛋.排骨哪个含有维生素 英语翻译:瘦肉和肥肉 英语翻译麻油鸡小炒肉糖醋小排骨辣炒鸡翅西芹虾仁水煮肉片锅塌豆腐尖椒土豆丝蚝油生菜番茄鸡蛋饭炒面片麻辣凉面 海带能和豆腐同吃吗 山药汤怎么炖 这些可以做什么菜?现有洋葱 豆芽 豆腐 豆腐泡 千张 木耳 萝卜 胡萝卜 蒜黄 蚕豆 笋 山药 平菇请问这些可以用来做什么菜,改怎样搭配、不一定全部用上 能做一两道就好、请带上菜谱 英语翻译锦绣鲜肉丝、桂花山药、黄金大饼、北菇蒸滑鸡、干炸豆腐丸、水果奶酪、鲜虾萝卜丝煲、XO酱烧茄子、炸麻团. 鱼肉,瘦肉,鸡蛋,牛奶,豆腐,哪个最有营养