
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/04 17:57:59


新概念英语第三册有这样一句话:Children always appreciate small gifts of money.书中的汉语翻译是:孩子们总是喜欢得到一些零花钱.我总觉得这样含糊的翻译使学生不能很好的掌握appreciate的含义.在这句话里,appreciate 的意思是“能够认识到、体会到某物或某人的价值”.譬如,有些有价值的东西一开始可能没有人认识它们的价值:At that time,nobody appreciated the value of the stone.(当时没有人认识这个石头的价值.) 有些人学富五车,才高八斗,可就是没有人重用他.于是就只能仰天长啸:Nobody appreciates my talent.(天下无人识我啊!).如今我们说某某人是伯乐.我们意思是说:He is good at appreciating people’s talents.(他擅长发现人才).其他例子还有:
To get a full appreciation of what this means,we must turn first to some recent human inventions.为了充分认识其意义,我们必须首先回顾一下最近的人类发明.
She shows little or no appreciation of good music.这句话的意思是即使把好音乐放给她听她也不知道好在哪里.
He is the first one who appreciated the enormous potential of internet in business.他是能认识到互联网商业价值的第一人.
You can't fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.(dictionary example)
当然appreciate 还有感谢的意思:
Your early reply will be appreciated.如能尽早作复,本人不胜感激.
Please accept this gift in appreciation of all you've done for us.
Antique paintings will appreciate with time.古董画会随时间增值.
Shares in the company have depreciated.该公司的股票已经贬值.