ask for a credit in your account

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/06 14:59:09

ask for a credit in your account

An arrangement for deferred payment of a loan or purchase:
a store that offers credit; bought my stereo on credit.



credit 1
/ ˈkredɪt; ˋkrɛdɪt/ n


credit 1
/ ˈkredɪt; ˋkrɛdɪt/ n
(a) [U] permission to delay payment for goods and services until after they have been received; system of paying in this way 赊购; 赊购制度: refuse/grant sb credit 拒绝[允许]某人赊购物品 * No credit is given at this shop, ie Payment must be in cash. 本店概不赊欠. * I bought it on credit, ie did not have to pay for it until some time after I got it. 我以赊购方式买下了它. * High interest rates make credit expensive. 由於利率很高, 赊购并不划算. * give sb six months' interest-free credit, ie allow sb to pay within six months, without adding an extra charge for interest 给予某人六个月的无息赊欠期 * [attrib 作定语] a credit period, agreement, limit 赊欠期限、 协议、 限额. (b) [U] sum of money in sb's bank account (某人银行帐户中的)存款数额: How much do I have to my credit? ie How much money is in my account? 我帐上有多少存款? * Your account is in credit, ie There is money in it. 你的帐上有余额. * [attrib 作定语] I have a credit balance of 250. 我帐上有250英镑的存款余额. (c) [C] sum of money lent by a bank, etc; loan (银行等的)借款; 贷款: The bank refused further credits to the company. 银行拒绝再向这家公司提供贷款. (d) [C] (in bookkeeping) (written record of a) payment received (簿记中的)付方, 贷方: Is this item a debit or a credit? 这笔帐属於借方还是属於贷方? Cf 参看 debit.
[U] ~ (for sth) praise; approval; recognition (used esp with the vs shown) 称赞; 赏识; 表扬(尤与以下示例中的动词连用): He got all the credit for the discovery. 这一发现全都归功於他了. * I can't take any credit; the others did all the work. 我不能接受任何荣誉, 所有的工作都是别人做的. * She was given the credit for what I had done. 事情是我做的, 她却受到称赞. * At least give him credit for trying, ie praise him, even though he did not succeed. 至少也应该肯定他敢於尝试(虽未取得成功也该给予表扬). * Give credit where it's due. 该表扬就给予表扬. * There was little credit for those who had worked hardest. 几乎没表扬那些工作最努力的人. * His courage has brought great credit to/reflects credit on (ie gives a good reputation to) his regiment. 他很勇敢使他所在的团大为增光.
[U] belief; trust; confidence 相信; 信任; 信赖: The rumour is gaining credit, ie More and more people believe it. 相信那谣言的人越来越多了. * Recent developments lend credit to (ie strengthen belief in) previous reports. 最近的事态发展说明先前的报道是可靠的.
credits [pl] (also credit titles) list of actors, director, cameramen, etc who worked on a film, TV programme, etc, shown at the beginning or end 片头字幕, 片尾字幕(在电影、 电视节目等的片头或片尾所显示的演员、 导演、 摄制人员等的名单).
[C] (US education 教) entry on a record showing that a student has completed a course 学分: gain credits in Math and English 取得数学课和英语课的学分.
[sing] addition to the reputation or good name of sb/sth 为某人[某事物]增光: This brilliant pupil is a credit to his teachers. 这名优秀生为老师增了光.
(idm 习语) be to sb's credit; do sb credit; do credit to sb/sth make sb worthy of praise 使某人值得赞扬: Jack, to his credit, refused to get involved. 杰克好就好在拒不参与. * It is greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you found; your honesty does you credit. 你拾金不昧是非常难能可贵的; 你很诚实, 应该受表扬. * His improved performance does credit to his trainer. 他的表演有进步, 这应该归功於他的教练. * It does her credit that she managed not to get angry. 她沉住气没发脾气, 这是值得称赞的. have sth to one's credit have achieved sth 完成某事物: He is only thirty, and already he has four films to his credit, ie he has made four films. 他才三十岁, 却已拍过四部影片了.
# `credit account (US charge account) account with a shop, store, etc that allows one to pay for goods at fixed intervals (eg monthly) rather than immediately 赊销帐项(商店等为顾客定期, 如按月, 付款赊购物品 的帐项).
`credit card card that allows its holder to buy goods and services on credit 信用卡.
`credit note (commerce 商) note given to a customer who has returned goods to the seller, allowing him to have other goods with a value equal to those returned 信用票据, 贷方单据(退货顾客用以换取等值的其他货物的凭证).
`credit rating assessment of how reliable sb is in paying for goods bought on credit (对某人以记帐方式购物的付款情况作出的)信誉评估, 信用等级.
`credit-side n right-hand side of an account, on which payments received are recorded 付方; 贷方: (fig 比喻) We've lost some experienced players, but on the credit-side (ie at least there is this favourable aspect) there are some useful young ones coming into the team. 我们少了一些有经验的运动员, 然而事情也有好的一面, 有些年轻的生力军加入了本队.
`credit squeeze government policy of controlling inflation by making it difficult to borrow money, eg by raising interest rates 信用紧缩(政府为控制通货膨胀而采取的措施, 如藉提高利率以增加借款之困难).
`credit transfer transfer of money direct from one bank account to another, without using a cheque 银行转帐.
`credit-worthy adj (of people, business firms, etc) accepted as safe to give credit to, because reliable in making repayment (指人、 工商企业等)信用可靠的, 有资格接受贷款的. `credit-worthiness n [U]. credit 2
/ ˈkredɪt; ˋkrɛdɪt/ v
[] ~ sb/sth with sth; ~ sth to sb/sth (a) believe that sb/sth has sth; attribute sth to sb/sth 认为某人[某事物]有某事物; 把某事物归功於某人[某事物]: Until now I've always credited you with more sense. 在这以前, 我一直都认为你不至如此糊涂. * The relics are credited with miraculous powers. 这些早期遗物被认为具有神奇的力量. * Miraculous powers are credited to the relics. 人们认为这些早期遗物具有神奇的力量. (b) record an amount as being paid into sb's bank account 把金额记入某人银行帐户的贷方: credit a customer with 8 把8英镑记入客户贷方 * credit 8 to a customer/an account 在客户[帐户]的贷方记入8英镑.
[Tn] (used mainly in questions and negative sentences 主要用於疑问句及否定句) believe (sth) 相信(某事物): Would you credit it? ie It is incredible. 你相信吗? * I can barely credit what she said. 我简直不能相信她的话.


credit有存款,贷款,信任,学分等意思。由于这句话后面是in your account表示在你的帐户内,所以翻译的范围有所限制。


credit有存款,贷款,信任,学分等意思。由于这句话后面是in your account表示在你的帐户内,所以翻译的范围有所限制。





ask for a credit in your account ask做及物动词和ask for有什么区别?比如ask for nothing in return的for可以省略吗?是ask for a favor ask for a penfriend in China的中文意思 ask for a If you( )too much ,you can't be happy in the life.A.ask for B.will ask for c.ask D.ask of最好要有解释 why not( ) help when you were in trouble?A,you ask for B.ask for C.asking for 外贸电函英语1.As requested,we have immediately arranged our bankers to extend the expiry date of our L/C for two weeks 10th March.A.with.up to B.with.onC.for.Unitl D.for.to2.As arranged,we would ask you to open an irrevocable credit in favor an 英语翻译Parties to Documentary Credit TransactionParties that are usually involved in a documentary credit transaction are mainly the following ones:1、 Applicant for the CreditThe applicant for the credit,also referred to as the “opener”,is Many in the credit industry expect that credit cards will eventually ____ paper money for almost every purchase.A) exchange B) reduce C) replace D) trade what about Mike his telephone number?A.ask;at ask;for C.asking;in D.asking;for what about Mike his telephone number?A.ask;at ask;for C.asking;in D.asking;for A.debit…with B.debit…for…with…for ask sb.for a lift. ask for a raise是什么意思 It's the best way to ---------- a foreigner in English.ask和speak to选哪个?ask for ask for a leave 还是ask for leave ask for leave 还是 ask for a leave? ask for help是一个完整的动词吗?应该ask sb for help 或ask for help from sb吧但总觉得ask for help 挺完整的..但既然有这种题目In the dark street ,there wasn't a single person___she could ask for help的话有ask sb for help