我要一本红色new headway中第二单元的一片e-mail,

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/26 05:11:32

我要一本红色new headway中第二单元的一片e-mail,

Dear Jacek,
How are you?I'm fine.Here's an email in English.It's good practice for you and me!
I have classes in English at The Embassy Language School.I'm in a class with seven students.They're all from different countries:Japan,Brazil,Switzerland,Germany,and Italy.Our teacher's name's Simon.He's very funny and a very good teacher.
I live with an English family in a small,old house near the centre of town.Robert and Valerie have a daughter and a son.Their daughter,Becky,is 19.She's a student at Brighton University.Their son,James,is a software designer for a computer company.He's 25.They're all very friendly,but it isn't easy to understand them.They speak very fast!
Brignton isn't very big,but it's very exciting!The restaurants and nightclubs are expensive,but the studendt bars and cafes are cheap.It's hot now,and it's lovely to be near the sea.I'm very happy here.
Email me soon!
我一个一个手打的- -不过还好不长.

我要一本红色new headway中第二单元的一片e-mail, 提高英语的话是新概念好还是New Headway好 解释一句英文(FROM NEW HEADWAY)If only politicians could find way to share it with those parts of the world where there is famine.出自 New Headway Intermediate Unit 1 WONDERS OF THE MODERN WORLD打字有误,改正:could find a way Sorry~ headway在智能交通系统中如何翻译? 用绿光照射红色的西瓜瓤是什么颜色?我在一本儿童故事书中看到是绿色,我觉得应该是黑色吧.所以恳请大家帮个忙, 翻译翻译 一个红色的飞机模型 一本英语书 一张我房间的照片 make headway for翻译 一种类型的数学题在一桌子上有47本书,其中27本是小说,32本是红色的封面,6本既不是小说也不是红色封面,问桌子上有多小本带红色封面的小说?这种类型的题我总是搞不懂, 高一定义域问题.求解析.第二题.我的答案在红色框框里.错在哪? 作文 读一本红色书籍,写读书笔记快来来, 我看一本书,第一天看一页,第二天看三页,第三天从第几页看起? 高一数学第二学期教学内容就是第二学期要教那几本书,主要讲哪些内容.那是不是 有向量的内容啊?难点又是?二楼那位,我问的是高一 第二学期 阿呆和阿瓜的故事有哪些?第一本是什么?第二本?第三本?第四本?…要按顺序直到最后一本,后天以前需要,快些,感激不尽,记得书要按顺序来但是 我知道 好象有5本以上 只是不知道顺序和后面有 我买了两套丛书,两套丛书本数相同,共花了22元,第一本书2点5元1本,第二本书三元一本,每套丛书有多少本?用方程解, 要P40-42页的答案,是九年义务教育课本,七年级第二学期(试用本),上海教育出版社,封面红色的 要找对,正确的、 cutting edge英语书级别HEADWAY 大一,学高数推荐一本辅导书,要有习题且答案要全,我学的是大学数学应用教程(本科第二版), 关于GMAT复习我现在有一本GMAT 13版的综合,一本数学和一本语文(两个都是第二版) 请问如何利用好这三本书来复习GMAT?上面的题都做哪些?