要看例词,写出含有相同读音规则的(括号里的读音)其它单词5个并写出音标例 b(oo)k look cook good bookstore foot [u]1.b(a)ll 2.c(a)k(e) 3.r(ai)n 4.gr(ay) 5.r(ea)d 6.thr(ee) 7.c(oa)t8.h(o)m(e) 9.yell(ow) 10,wh(o) 11.c(oo)l 12.

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/03 10:08:43

例 b(oo)k look cook good bookstore foot [u]1.b(a)ll 2.c(a)k(e) 3.r(ai)n 4.gr(ay) 5.r(ea)d 6.thr(ee) 7.c(oa)t8.h(o)m(e) 9.yell(ow) 10,wh(o) 11.c(oo)l 12.bl(ue) 13.sh(i)p 14.sh(ee)p 15.b(e)d 16.b(a)d 17.h(o)t 18.h(u)t 19.c(o)w 20.h(ou)se 21.p(oi)nt 22.b(oy) 23.h(ear) 26.ch(air) 27.c(ar) 28.sp(or)ts 29.cl(er)k 30.sh(ir)t 31.n(ur)se 32.teach(er) 33.b(i)ke

1.mall small talk walk hall ()
2.make face plane snake game
3.train rain wait pain gain rail
4.play gray today day may pay
5.beach meat eat clean beautiful pea bean
6.tree feet sheep sleep bee
7.coat goat road coach soap coat
8.home bone hole coke smoke
9.yellow window show slow snow row
10 who shoe do to whose
11.cool spoon moon noodle food school
12.blue june
13.ship big pig dig chick pink
14sheep green teeth wheel street agree
15. bed leg red ten dress shell
16.bad mad man hat cap that
17.hot dog frog sorry omelet clock
18.hut duck bus butter cup but
19.cow now how flower brown bow
20.house mouse mouth cloud
21.point coin voice toilet
22.boy toy enjoy joy
23.hear ear fear chear bear
26.chair air hair fair
27.car farm arm park garden star
28. sports fork horse morning for store
29. clerk
30.shirt girl skirt dirty thirty thirsty
31.nurse purple turtle turn
32.teacher mother father sister brother tiger
33.bike mike like lime five nine white

要看例词,写出含有相同读音规则的(括号里的读音)其它单词5个并写出音标例 b(oo)k look cook good bookstore foot [u]1.b(a)ll 2.c(a)k(e) 3.r(ai)n 4.gr(ay) 5.r(ea)d 6.thr(ee) 7.c(oa)t8.h(o)m(e) 9.yell(ow) 10,wh(o) 11.c(oo)l 12. 含有与hear cheer bear chair car sports clerk shrit相同读音规则的单词 在括号里写出读音lian的字.( )笔 老( ) 有()有() 写出括号里含有反义词的词语 善()善() 写出括号里含有反义词的词语 九()一() 写出括号里含有反义词的词语 读一读下面的单词,注意括号内字母的读音,并请你写出三个含有...读一读下面的单词,注意括号内字母的读音,并请你写出三个含有括号内字母的单词,要求与划线字母发音相同.1.spri(ng)________ 求英语词汇高手!【题目补充!】写出含有括号里字母组合的单词,并使它们在词中的读音相同【每个写出四个】park(ar) glass(ass) steal(eal) feel(ee)certain(er)circle(ir)stare(are)ear(ear)pair(air)pork(or)fluent(ue)d 写出一个含有括号部分读音的词brown(br) bird (ir) tall(all) meet(ee) 请写出含有括号内读音的单词 (sm)all ` (sl)ow 写出相同读音的字 读一读下面的单词,注意划线字母的读音,并请你写出三个含有...读一读下面的单词,注意划线字母的读音,并请你写出三个含有括号内字母的单词,要求与括号内字母发音相同.4.sl(ow)_________________ 读一读下面的单词,注意划线字母的读音,并请你写出三个含有...读一读下面的单词,注意划线字母的读音,并请你写出三个含有括号内字母的单词,要求与括号内字母发音相同.3.(qu)ick________________ 按字母归类,写出含有相同读音的其他字母:Aa________________________________________________Ee_________________________________________________Ii_________________________________________________Uu________________________________________ 写出含有画线字母组合的单词,并使它们在词中读音相同. 写出含有与下列例词相同读音的单词.they________ deep________bread_______ find________snow________ what________new_________ bus_________car_________ short_______ 写出下列单词括号内读音相同的单词:go only (o) 写出下列单词括号内读音相同的单词:eat (ea )三个