
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/26 01:48:52

1.2 甲方承担乙方指派人员来往甲、乙方工作场所之间的交通费,以及提供相应的工作条件,并为乙方提供和承担在甲方工作期间的住宿和膳食费用.
1.3 向乙方支付本合同约定的技术服务费用.


Party B shall provide Party A with eligible personnel in accordance with the requirements of Party A.
In the event of the personnel assigned by Party B does not comply with the requirements or cannot render the required services of Party A, after the receipt of a written notice on this matter from Party A, Party B shall again look for eligible candidate for Party A to replace the personnel.
In the course of discussing, signing and executing this contract, all the documents and information of Party A which cannot be publicly accessed including, but not limited to, trade secrets such as corporate planning, financial and technical data, operations and quality information acquired by Party B shall be strictly confidential; no unauthorized use or disclosure to any third parties shall be guaranteed by Party B and its assigned personnel. Both Parties agree to sign a Nondisclosure Agreement concerning this matter; in the event of infringement of this secrecy agreement, Party B shall indemnify all the losses suffered by Party A.

Party B and Its assigned personnel guarantee that the conduct of services provided does not violate the legitimate rights and interests of any third party, otherwise, all responsibilities and losses sustained by Party A arising out of this matter shall be borne by Party B.

1. All other matters not expressly stated in this contract or in the event of any disputes arising out of this contract, both Parties agree to settle them through amicable consultations.
2. All appendixes are integral parts of this contract, and are valid with the same legal effect.
3. This contract is made in two original copies in Chinese/English and shall become valid after both Parties have attached their signatures on it. Both the versions shall have the same legal effect and each Party shall hold one copy in witness thereof. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
4. This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China. In the event of disputes arising between the Parties cannot be settled through amicable consultations, each Party has the right to submit the dispute for arbitration to the judiciary department where Party A’s company is located.

1.2 甲方承担乙方指派人员来往甲、乙方工作场所之间的交通费,以及提供相应的工作条件,并为乙方提供和承担在甲方工作期间的住宿和膳食费用.
1.3 向乙方支付本合同约定的技术服务费用.
1.1 After this contract becomes effective, Party A shall coordinate with Party B by providing all the required materials and data for the project, including but not limited to, the relevant documents and reports.
1.2 Party A shall be responsible for providing a suitable working condition and all the transportation expenses of Party B’s assigned personnel shuttling between the workplaces of the two Parties. Party A shall also provide and bear the food and accommodation expenses of Party B during the period working at the location of Party A.
1.3 Party A shall make payment to Party B for the technical service fees stipulated in this contract.


英语翻译1.乙方应当根据甲方的要求,为甲方指派符合条件的人员.如乙方为甲方指派之人员不符合甲方要求的条件或无法为甲方提供其所需之服务的,乙方应在收到甲方的书面通知后,为甲方重 英语翻译乙方应当保守甲方的商业秘密,商业秘密系指不为公众所熟知,能给甲方带来经济效益,具有实用性并经甲方采取保密措施和经营信息.如乙方泄漏甲方的商业秘密造成经济损失的,甲方 英语翻译第五条 甲方安排乙方执行 工时制度.第六条 甲方为乙方提供必要的劳动条件和劳动工具,建立健全生产工艺流程,制定操作规程、工作规范和劳动安全卫生制度.根据乙方实际岗位的工 英语翻译项目:产品介绍单张设计印刷甲乙双方就以上项目达成以下协议:一、乙方根据甲方要求进行设计,由甲方确认后制作印刷.二、乙方将制作好的-------送到甲方指定地点.三、费用(见 英语翻译甲方的权利:1.审核乙方资信情况,确定赊销信用额度及赊销期2.根据双方的约定向乙方收取销售款 英语翻译中译英如下:1.甲方责任甲方应按照合同条款的要求向乙方支付服务费.甲方应向乙方雇员提供现场保安值班岗亭,必要地为完成工作所需的日常公用生活设施及文具等.= 英语翻译翻译这段话 截止到12月3日甲方和乙方本着友好合作的精神签订本合同,根据合同甲方聘请乙方为外籍工作人员,合同条件如下 英语翻译协议书甲方代表:乙方代表:经甲乙双方友好协商,一致同意达成以下协议:一、 甲方保留乙方交给甲方的样板货物壹张,样板号为:.二、 乙方保留样板货物壹张,样板号为:.三、 英语翻译乙方在下达正式订购单给甲方并经甲乙双方确认投产后,如因乙方单方面要求撤消该定单给甲方所造成的一切损失,乙方应对此行为完全负责 英语翻译甲方在签定合同后,修改或增加工程内容,造成乙方材料或人工的浪费,在乙方认可的范围以外,由甲方承担,乙方有权要求补偿.补偿金额为增加项目的材料费和人工费之和,不加利润.乙 英语翻译经 销 合 同甲 方:乙 方:经甲乙双方友好协商,本着互惠互利共同发展的原则,达成以下合同条款:一.乙方承诺甲方为乙方酒水饮料指定经销商,乙方所需产品,乙方委托甲方采购供 翻译:违约金不足补偿甲方遭受的损失的,甲方有权要求乙方补足不足部分. 英语翻译1甲方应当在发货前6个月通知乙方发货.2若由于甲方原因延迟交货,那么由此产生的仓储费等损失应由甲方承担.3乙方在签订合同后7天内,向甲方提供的一份合同总价即USD10金额的百分 《甲方乙方》的主题是什么 甲方乙方的英文说法 the requirements of Party A to Party B,可以翻译为甲方对乙方的要求吗? 英语翻译乙方为甲方在中亚地区的独家代理商,在未经乙方同意的情况下,因甲方擅自将产品销售到中亚地区或通过其他销售商将产品销售到中亚地区,对乙方所造成的一切不良后果及损失由甲 英语翻译甲方确保委托代理事项符合中国国家法律法规,乙方确保委托代理事项符合日本国国家法律法规,甲乙方对丙方依协议规定所为的代理行为承担法律责任.这句话怎么翻译成英文