regret doing sth 造两个句子.简单点.其中一个是:我后悔昨天去tom家了.另一个,大家随意造..谢谢.

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 13:28:48

regret doing sth 造两个句子.简单点.

1.I regret going to tom's home yesterday
2.I regret not finishing the homework.(后悔没完成作业

I regreted going to Tom's.
I regreted not having prepared for the exam.

regreted going to tom's
regret breaking the glass

1: I regret going to tom's home yesturday
2: He regrets the trip to the country because he has been hit by residents.

I regret going to Tom' home.
I regret being unable to help you.