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自学新概念英语第三册必背单词Lesson 12

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 00:21:45 新概念英语
自学新概念英语第三册必背单词Lesson 12新概念英语
Lesson 12
  Life on a desert island
  【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
  ★desert island
  desert: 沙漠 背弃,遗弃
  dessert: 甜点
  adj. 不真实
  n. 天堂,乐士
  A lot of people imagine the USA as their paradise.
  heaven: 天堂,天国,也指死亡
  adj. 可怜的,艰苦的
  lead a wretched/miserable/terrible life
  v. 挨饿
  starve to death
  n. 成分
  n. 机会
  golden opportunity
  Opportunity knocks only once.
  chance: 表机会时可以与opportunity互换,表可能性时则不可
  There is a chance that I will see him
  The chances are that he will be elected the president.
  n. 珊瑚
  ★Virgin Islands
  n. 迈阿密(美国最南的城市)
  n. 救生筏,小船
  n. 加勒比海
  ★spear gun
  n. 龙虾
  n. 油轮
  adv. 由衷地
  He is genuinely thankful to me
  ★Robinson Crusoe
  鲁滨孙.克鲁索(小说《鲁滨孙漂流记》主人公) 荒岛生活新概念英语