来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/20 20:50:54


ROCKETS:休斯敦 火箭 英文(Houston Rockets)
LAKERS:洛杉矶 湖人 英文(Los Angle Lakers)
休斯敦火箭:球队最早是在盛行军需产业的圣地亚哥,1961年迁美国国家航空天局(NASA)所在地休斯顿后,“火箭”这个名字更加名副其实了.National Aeronautics and Space Administration美国国家航空和宇宙航行局

谁知道ROCKETS和LAKERS是哪个NBA球队的标志 Hummell Gets the Rockets和亡灵序曲Hummell Gets the Rockets是 There will be a basketball match Rockets and the Lakers.on with for between NBA中的ROCKETS的队名是什么,主场所在的州在哪里NBA中的LAKERS的队名是什么,主场所在的州在哪里 请问谁知道NBA HOUSTON ROCKETS 44号是谁啊? 我想说火箭对湖人05年2月6号的一场比赛是不是The NBA game between los lakers and Houston Rockets on February 6th,2005 (介词用on对么) It’s a pity that the Los Angeles Lakers ______ in the basketball match against the Huston Rockets(A).won (B).defeated (C).were won (D).were defeated 请问选D对吗? 1.Animals and plants live in n____ 2.Lakers will play a______ Rockets in the NBA match tonight3.Larry told me that he ____(go) to the beach every Sunday4.Mother told me not to speak to _____(strange) The Lakers _____the Rockets and_____the game last nightA.beat;beat B.beat ;won C.won;beat D.won;won还有一个填空题:They both study very hard(改为同义句)______ ______ ______ study very hard. rockets是什么意思rockets Who do you think will be more likely to win the second round of the NBA playoffs,lakers or rocketsmany people predict that Los Angeles Lakers will undoubtedly win the rockets because it has Kobe Bryant,who can dominate over any other players of rocke 谁知道这是哪个历史人物 谁知道哪个是作文网 谁知道IOC和PLA是什么的英文缩写?要写清哪个对哪个. ROCKETS是什么意思? Rockets是什么 谁知道蔗糖和食盐哪个溶解快? 谁知道雅思和托福哪个好考~