
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 21:17:27


vt.,vi.divided,dividing (常与in,into连用)分开;划分 The Nile divides near its mouth and forms a delta.尼罗河在靠近河口的地方分开,形成一个三角洲.Let's divide ourselves into several groups.我们分成几个小组吧.How shall we divide up the labour in the work?我们怎样分工?This class is too large; we shall have to divide it for oral practice."这个班级太大,我们必须把它分成小班作口语练习." (常与out连用)分,分食 "Children,divide the cake up between / among you." "孩子们,你们把这个蛋糕分了吃吧." 除 15 divided by 3 is 5.3 除15等于5.Three will not divide into eleven.三除不尽十一.使意见不合;使不和 Please don't let such a small matter divide us.请不要让这点小事使我们失和.On some minor points members of the committee divide with one another."在一些细节问题上,委员们意见各不相同." 分组表决 Parliament divided on the question.国会就这个问题分组表决.