
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/05 12:49:08


Sincerely Mr./Ms.Visa Officer,
Hereby is to verify that my father is to be retired because of poor performance of his former employer(或unit).Meanwhile,he was interested in stock investment long ago (he had studied for it,too),thus daily expenses of my family are primarily depended on his share profits.Moreover,my parents' earnings are spent on savings.Therefore,I do enclose herewith my father's stock account list and those bank bills to declare the financial condition of my family.Thanks very much for your check/checking(2选1).

Dear sir,
My father's work company has poor efficiency, therefore my father is retired. My father has a lot of interest in the stock market(he also had study about it) , our daily expenses basic...


Dear sir,
My father's work company has poor efficiency, therefore my father is retired. My father has a lot of interest in the stock market(he also had study about it) , our daily expenses basically came from the stock income, and my parents salary are in the savings. I have attached my father's stock list and bank statement, hopefully it can explain to you about our capital position.
Thank you


Dear visa officer Sir / Madam: my father work units due to poor efficiency, are to be retired, he had to invest in stocks are very interested in ( he had learned this knowledge ), our family expenses ...


Dear visa officer Sir / Madam: my father work units due to poor efficiency, are to be retired, he had to invest in stocks are very interested in ( he had learned this knowledge ), our family expenses is basically his stock return, my parents pay for savings, so I especially with father stock list of accounts and bank water alone, as a description of our finances. Hereby explained!


Dear Sir/Madamn:
My father is retiring becauce of the company's poor efficiency ,anyway,he was in great intresest in investing stock market-he had ever learned relevant knowledge,and he is still h...


Dear Sir/Madamn:
My father is retiring becauce of the company's poor efficiency ,anyway,he was in great intresest in investing stock market-he had ever learned relevant knowledge,and he is still holding some shares ,the benefit from which is soupporting our daily livings and the wages of my parent is deposited in the bank.
I hereby enclose a transaction list of my father's share account and a bank letter to explain the finacial state of our family.




尊敬的签证官先生/女士:在本次的签证过程中,我提供的我父亲的银行账单有部分没有我父亲的账户名.因为我父亲的工资银行卡发生了几次更换,要开具连续6个月的银行账单,他需要开具最近 英语翻译尊敬的签证官先生/女士:我父亲工作单位由于效益不佳,目前处于待退休,他很早对投资股票非常感兴趣(他曾学过这方面的知识),我们家日常开支基本是他的股票收益,我父母的工资用 英语翻译尊敬的签证官先生您好:我此行一人,经澳大利亚的悉尼前往瓦努阿图的维拉港.中国公民去瓦努阿图有免签证待遇.特做此书面证明. 求助:商务信函英语翻译,等高手,谢谢!一段签证变更的申请翻译,希望可以翻译的比较正式,呵呵,谢谢各位了.签 证 面 试 时 间 变 更 申 请尊敬的美国领事馆先生/女士:贵领事馆已经安排我在2 英文问卷开头,尊敬的女士先生 您好 怎么翻译? 英语翻译致尊敬的签证官:我与先生刘风(澳大利亚国籍)相识于2006年3月,因为相爱我们走在了一起,并于2007年1月24日在中国广西登记结婚.可是先生工作在澳洲,他在新婚不久,于2007年1月27日 英语翻译尊敬的先生或女士:您好,我是XX公司的总经理XXXXX,我谨作为A先生在我公司七个多月间的直接领导写此推荐信.A自2011年7月1日入职以来,在我公司担任助理一职,主要负责国外总部与中 英语翻译尊敬的签证官:本人陈人于2011年9月15日,向澳大利亚馆申请“旅游签证”因676.221(2)(a)的原因导致拒签.事实上我申请旅游签证的原因主要是陪同我年幼的女儿(1996年1月27日出生)到 “xx先生xx女士的结婚记实“ 怎么英语翻译呢? 英语翻译请问“ 尊敬的”“先生”波斯语怎么讲呢? 英语翻译请英语高手帮忙翻译以下这段祝福语。要求精准翻译,水平不够的还请绕路而行,尊敬的XX 先生/女士:谢谢您对我公司一直以来的支持,您对我司的信任,让我们有了今日的成绩, 英语翻译尊敬的先生或女士:您好!我十分愿意推荐***同学申请新泽西州立州立大学***同学是一位非常聪明、文静而又思想活跃的女孩.我对她的印象非常深刻,她曾经担任副班长兼体育委员,善 英语翻译尊敬的先生女士:  很高兴您能对我们的产品感兴趣.  我们在2005年就开始从事水性家具漆的研发和制造,产品性能优异、品种丰富、价格优惠,能充分满足您的需求.  如果我 英语翻译尊敬的各位来宾、女士们、先生们:今天,是xxx先生和xxx小姐喜结良缘的大好日子,我受新郎新娘的重托,很荣幸能为这对珠联璧合、佳偶天成的新人作证婚词,在这神圣、庄严、温馨而 英语翻译尊敬的______________先生/女士:  我们诚挚的邀请您参加扬州市杭集创意设计园(中国日化用品设计中心)开园仪式,期待您的光临! 英语翻译原文如下:尊敬的 先生/女士您好!很荣幸的邀请您参加巴基斯坦美食节.欢迎您届时光临.时间:地点:····主题餐厅注:请正装出席请按标准邀请函格式去写,我不要在线翻译的那 先生和女士的英文分别叫?简写!我知道好像女士是MRS 英语翻译不用客气是我应该做的,此外,现在已经明确M先生的签证是多次往返不用再办理了,那么请问L先生也是多次往返,我们还需要为他办理工作签证吗?