英语音标子音母音还有th ch sh er ar ir or ur au ow这些发音,还有什么变音,请问音标到底还有什么学的

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/25 12:02:40

英语音标子音母音还有th ch sh er ar ir or ur au ow这些发音,还有什么变音,请问音标到底还有什么学的

2009-08-13 | 阅: 转: | 分享

u 英语音标表、字母表----- 字母、字母组合发音规律记忆口诀
印刷体:大写 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
小写 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
大写 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
小写 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
[ ei / bi: /si: /di: / i: /ef /dVi: / eitF / ai / dVei / kei / el /em /en /Eu /pi://kju: /B: /es /ti: /ju: / vi: /dQblju: /eks /wai /zi:]
u 先观察以上字母的读音,然后,把含有共同元音因素的字母进行分类:
(1) [ei] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ]
(2) [i:] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ]
(3) [ai] ___[ ] ___[ ]
(4) [Eu] ___[ ]
(5) [u:] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ]
(6) [e] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ]
(7) [B:] ___[ ]

二、 英语中元音和辅音(母音和子音)的分类表
英 语 音 标(采用口腔后部发声法发音)

前元音:[i:/ I:] [i] [e] [A]
中元音:[Q] [E] [E: / \:]
后元音:[B:] [C:] [C] [u:] [u]
[ai] [ei] [Ci] [iE] [ZE/ eE] [uE] [au] [Eu]

[p][t][k] [f][s][W][F] [h] [tF][tr][ts]
[b][d][g] [v][z][T][V] [r] [dV][dr][dz]
[m][n][N] [l]/[l] [w][j ]
[pr][pl][br][bl][kr][kl][gr][gl][fr][fl][sn][sl][sk][sp][sw][dw][hw][kw][tw] [Wr] [pju:][bju:][tju:][dju:][kju:][gju:][fju:][vju:][lju:][mju:][nju:][hju:][zju
拼读口诀:元音为中心,划分音节、按音节拼读;多音节加重音、多音节一重多轻发音,轻音节怎么轻怎么发音.重开音节读长音,轻/闭音节读短音.例子:he[hi:], name [neim], table[`teibl], bicycle[`baisikl], teacher[`ti:tFE], red, cap, and, thank, basket, yellow, umbrella,

u 提前练一练,看看有何难.小测试:
1). 见字读音: 写出下列单词的音标.
class [ ] this [ ] your [ ] you [ ] here [ ] Sandy [ ] Crisp [ ]
2). 音义结合:写出下列读音所对应的汉语意义.
[klB:s] _______; [hiE] ______; [blu:] ______; [sku:lbAg] ___________; [kQm] ______;
3). 听音写字:根据音标写单词.
[klB:s] _______; [hiE] ______; [blu:] ______; [sku:lbAg] ___________; [kQm] ______;
[hu:z] ________ [it] ___ [pli:z] ________ [daun] _______ [`ru:lE] _______ [kQm] ____
4). 形义结合:英汉互译(即,写出对应的英语或汉语意思).
her -____; thank-_______; 定冠词/ 这个或那个-______; 书-______; rubber -_______;
小姐 -______; 帽子 -_____; Sit down please. ________; Thank you. _______; Here you are.
_________; Yes, it is. ________; Come here, please. ___________;
?字母L的两种读音口诀:音节开头发清音[l -], 音节末尾模糊音[- l],
[l - ] lazy, like, look, long, lubber ([`lQbE] adj.粗笨的, 笨拙的n.傻大个), black, please, clock, color, toilet, holiday, English, Italian, nationality, lollipop,
[- l ] girl[E:l], ball [C:l], small, school[u:l], well[el], smell, level[(E)l], smile[ail], hill[il], old[Eul], cold, child[ail], children [il], full [ul], beautiful [ul], apple [pl], people, pupil, table [bl], impossible, label ((贴)标签), little [tl], bottle, title, middle [dl], cradle(摇篮),bicycle [kl], eagle [gl], pencil [sl], puzzle [-zl], dazzle[5dAzl](眩目,晃眼,耀眼),
常见音节尾音总结:[i:l / il / el/ Al / Ql / El / E:l / C:l / Cl / u:l / ul / ail / eil / Cil / iEl / uEl / aul / Eul / ]
[-pl / -bl / -tl / -dl / -kl / -gl / -fl / -vl / -sl / -zl / ]
[-pEl / -bEl / -tEl / -dEl / -kEl / -gEl / -fEl / -vEl / -sEl / -zEl ]
?元音字母a e i(y) o u 的发音口诀: 元音字母音多变,熟记规则也不难.
a接r /ss常发[B:/A], 还有[ei][A] [C/C:][i] [E].e的发音首数[e],空尾/重[i:]轻[i][E].
重开音节i发[ai],重闭/轻音短[i][E].o发长音[Eu][C:][u:],短音[Q][C][E] one殊.
u字多发 [ju:]和[Q],忙碌busy(i)加[u:][u].y头发[j]重读[ai],轻音/结尾[i]变来.
ay ,ey, o/uy,多发[ei][i],[Ci][ai].r前元音常卷舌,S后弱音须强化.
a--- [/ ei / B:/ A/ C:/ C/ E/ i / ] 强化音[ei],弱化音[E]a接r /ss常发[B:/A], 还有[ei][A] [C/C:][i] [E].
name [ei], table [ei], car [B:], park [B:], class [B:], basket [B:/A], as [A], ass [A], father [B:], afterward(s) [B:/E](然后, 后来), dollar [E],cap [A], catch [A], grammar [A/E], America [E], asleep, alone, afraid, banana [E /B:/E], woman [E], water [C:], watch [C], what [C], war [C:], orange [i],
e--- [/ i:/ e/ i / E/ -*(词尾空音) / ] 强化音[i:],弱化音[E/ i ] e的发音首数[e],空尾/重[i:]轻[i][E].
he [i:], she [i:], we [i:], me [i:], evening [i:], red [e], pencil [e], empty [e], desk [e], umbrella [e], French [e], basket [i], women [i], pretty [i], the [E / i:], children [E], open [E], hundred [E / i:],
/ -*(词尾空音) /---- whose [z], house [s], nice [s], face [s], white [t], name [m], give [v], side [d], wake [k], prize [z], fine [n], tube [b], orange [dV], employee [i:] (职工, 雇员, 店员), apple [pl], table [bl], little [tl], middle [dl], bicycle [kl], eagle [gl](鹰),
i--- [ /ai / i:/ i / E / ] 强化音[ai/i:],弱化音[E/ i] 重开音节发[i: /ai],重闭/轻音短[i][E].
right [ai], bicycle [ai], white [ai], police [i:], this [i], which [i], his [i],building [i], beautiful [E], holiday [E],
o--- [ /Eu/ Q/ C/ C:/u:/ u / E / wQ-] 强化音[Eu/ C:/u:],弱化音[E]
o发长音[Eu][C:][u:],短音[Q][C][E] one殊.
no [Eu], cold [Eu], those [Eu], come [Q], some [Q], mother [Q], brother [Q], son [Q], month [Q], dog [C], not [C], hot [C], sorry [C], shop [C], locker [C], box [C], orange [C:], whose [u:], who [u:], do [u:], to [u:], two [u:], woman [u], policeman [E], today [E], occasion [E](场合, 时机, 机会), aeroplane [E], // one [wQn], once [wQns], reservoir [`rezEvwB:],
u--- [ /ju:/ Q / u / u: /i / ] 强化音[ju:/u:],弱化音[i]u字多发 [ju:]和[Q],忙碌busy(i)加[u:][u].
use [ju:], usually [ju:], tube [ju:], music [ju:], pupil [ju:], rubber [Q], umbrella [Q], mum [Q], hungry [Q], bus [Q], just [Q],cup [Q],put [u], full [u], pull [u], ruler [u:],Sue [u:],blue [u:],minute [i], busy [i]

y--- [ /ai / j / i /] 强化音[ai],弱化音[i] y头发[j]重读[ai],轻音/结尾[i]变来.
your [j], you [j], yes [j], yellow [j], young [j], my [ai], why [ai], tyre [ai], style [ai], fry [ai], cry [ai], bicycle [i], baby [i], ready [i], hungry [i], very [i], thirsty [i], empty [i], busy [i], body [i], slowly [i],
?常见元音字母组合发音口诀: 字母组合固定音,常受影响发音变;千锤百炼习语感.
a--- ay [ei] day, say, play, way, weekday, birthday, // [i] Sunday, Monday, …
ar [B:] car, star, farm, are, park, garlic, // [E] dollar, collar, grammar, particular [pE`tikju:lE],
al [C:] all, ball, small, hall, walk, chalk, // [B:] half,
[C:l / Al / El ]非组合式的情况:although[C:l], alga [`AlgE](藻类, 海藻), algal [`AlgEl](adj.海藻的), algebra [Al`dVibrE] (代数学), signal [lsigEl](信号/发信号, 用信号通知),
au [C:] daughter, fault, audience, cause, August[`C:gEst] (八月), august [C:`gQst](令人敬畏的