求英国伦敦骚乱事件的评论 要英文的. 急!注意是英文最好先把整件事的起因也说一下 反正越多越好 不要用翻译器什么的 那些语法错误太多能帮到的都会采纳的 谢谢!

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/08 00:48:15

求英国伦敦骚乱事件的评论 要英文的. 急!
最好先把整件事的起因也说一下 反正越多越好
不要用翻译器什么的 那些语法错误太多
能帮到的都会采纳的 谢谢!

Over the past four days,the state has lost control of England’s streets.What began as localised unrest following the police shooting of a man in north London has exploded into an orgy of arson,looting and feral violence which has spread through the capital and to other English cities.The lawlessness has destroyed business in poor pockets of London and tarnished the city’s reputation the year before it is to host the Olympic Games.The government must now do what is necessary to regain control of the nation’s streets.
David Cameron has belatedly recognised the gravity of the situation,cutting short his holiday and recalling parliament.He also ordered an increase in the number of police of the capital to 16,000 and toughened the rules of engagement.Both steps are welcome.The TV images of police standing by impotently as gangs of youths went on the rampage undoubtedly contributed to a sense of impunity among the vandals.
The riots in England have turned into a test of competence for the government and for the City’s mayor,Boris Johnson.This is no time for loose talk about public spending cuts being responsible for the violence.The youths who looted shops in search of flat-screen TVs and trainers knew exactly what they were doing.Mr Cameron is right to say that anyone old enough to commit these crimes is old enough to face the full force of the law.
A firm response by the police is vital to prevent the violence spreading from London to other major English cities.It is for the government and the Metropolitan Police to determine the precise rules of engagement.Non-lethal tools such as tear-gas and water-cannon should be considered rather than plastic bullets,which have an unhappy history in Northern Ireland.Above all,it is vital that steps are credible.A curfew would be impossible to enforce in a city the size of London.
When the violence has been contained,politicians will have to address the initial failure to contain the violence in north London.Longer-term,the resentment and dislocation among the have-nots of British society laid bare this past week is a pressing issue.
There is also the question of police morale,already shaken by the phone-hacking scandal and a loss leadership in London.Ministers will have to ask whether 20 per cent budget cuts are compatible with maintaining calm on the streets.The first duty of the state must be to ensure the safety of its citizens.
