
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/05 22:47:53


change的词性:v.(动词) changed,changing,changes change的词性:v.tr.(及物动词) 1.To cause to be different:使不同,改变:用法与例句:change the spelling of a word.改变一个词的拼写 2.To give a completely different form or appearance to; transform:变革:使形式或外表完全不同;变革:用法与例句:changed the yard into a garden.将庭院改成花园 3.To give and receive reciprocally; interchange:交换;互换:用法与例句:change places.交换位置 4.To exchange for or replace with another,usually of the same kind or category:更换:同他人交换或替换,通常指同一类:用法与例句:change one's name; a light that changes colors.改换名字;改换颜色的灯 5.To lay aside,abandon,or leave for another; switch:改变,转换:搁置一边,放弃,换另一个;转换: